The following errors occurred with your search: 1. Invalid User specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator That's a no. Not registered on the forums, anyway.
You probably know that, if only leaving the kids part out I would've taken that one serious. But yes, I do agree with 'anything can be deemed bannable', however, some things should simply be warned first, if the GM's do not wish to have a hate-rebellion out there. (I sure wouldn't want one.) The ToS could go a little bit…
Well, I will stick to my personal opinion regardless, whatever build they choose is up to them. (For instance, if I wished to use my claw user as my main, I'd probably focus a little more on strength. Claw users are basically redundant to the other weapon paths out there, so I'm 'mehh' overall. They're fun, and that's why…
Then find me a catchphrase for writing out any Japanese Faction names in Romanji and I might be convinced properly. Technically foreign, technically not allowed to be banned, hmmm.
I'm assuming this person wishes to have fun with a claw user. At least play along with that desire and give it a proper advice on a full-claw user. If otherwise, I'm pretty sure the person requesting it is capable of pointing it out to us. As for it will happen, this is why my main is not a BM. Wizards are supposed to hold…
The point is that if I score critical hits, I will still not drag aggro off a (possibly sloppy) tank, yet being capable of dealing a bit over your base damage. However, when yours scores a critical hit, there's a big chance you drag aggro onto yourself. And in my honest opinion, a claw user does not want to get hit. Ergo,…
Very welcome. I could help out more, but I'm rather occupied with my own novels. (I'm kind of a professional author. Includes being published before.) I hope you get the story exactly as you wish to see it, because once you go professional, you sort of lose that freedom. ^_^"
The same goes for you with that troll. My advice, keep the discussion going or kill it off with a rock-solid argument?
When you start to wonder at what level you could've been, during your visit at your grandparents'. Yes, really. :3 This goes for all games that involve grinding, by the way.
You could describe body language which adds to what is going on in her head, at which point you could do something like: "And as she played with her hair she felt a strong lack of self-confidence crawl over her; was it really all her fault?"
Well, yes, true. I, myself, never use said characters in the game, even with full access to all of them. As you said, in my honest opinion a complete disband is extreme. A forced name-change through, I don't know, e-mail, maybe? It would sort things out. And if they change it to something else that is not following the ToS…
Very much true, but the point being, if I formulate anything containing the f word, I will get in trouble. However, if I swear in, let's just stick with English, I will only get ranted about how biased America is for not telling me off. If the US of A wishes to become a role model on this planet (lol at me saying this),…
I never assumed this person would ever want to swap back into Hammers/Axes, so don't, either. Thanks for telling my Claw User off, she's doing perfectly fine not ripping it off our tank. That AND she's fighting in her underwear. Do you have any clue how hard that is to not pay attention to?! :3
I read: "I'm telling you, America has ego problems." You read: "Not worthy wasting our ToS on the rest of the world, which also gets to play."
So you'd use a regular BM build on claws? They're supposed to score critical hits like mad. With their high attack rate and high critical hit rate they're lethal additions to a party and deal just enough damage to not drag aggro on them. Claw users shouldn't be tanking.
Not bad, but could definitely be improved. For instance; never use the (...) as side-descriptions. They make a wall of text look improfessional and not worthy reading, which is not the case here. Just write those parts into the sentences or partly into new ones. Make it fit, don't exclude it. As for the typo's, I'm not…
Seen it a billion times; most pointless thread ever. But I am still winning. :3
Basically; STR = Requirements DEX = Rest Unless you wish to have some extra HP, yeah.
No, no, I have to agree with Yuufa; if your game is open to all IP's around the globe you should, as staff, act along multiple verbal/cultural/whatever guidelines. If in America the word is never used, but in the UK it is commonly used as a swear, then it should be punished just as much as an American using the f word.
This is also why Panda's are most commonly removed out of games as offensive or defensive creatures, it's illegal in Asia to have those creatures in harm's way, be it virtual or not. So this is never, ever going to happen.