I think there is a typo in the location of Elder of Archosaur in the Lv. 29 Cultivation quest, Abnormal Selection. It's supposed to East instead of West. Aside from that, thanks for the detailed quest guides. :)
Nvm, just had two nice players help me. :)
I'm not having any luck in getting help from players in Archosaur or Plume. Anyone on the forums that's in Lost City can help me out? Appreciate it.
Ok, I'll try to be on tonight if possible. I'm in Plume currently.
I see, thank you for your help. Just doubt that I'll find Lv. 60+ easily or enough members to manage the run.
Alright, I'll try that. One more question: How many people should I have in the squad for a run that won't take too long? 3 - 4 people?