the note is 10m short 900k and its not on my iinventory.. I didn't recieve the coins after sold the iitem when I re-log in back after the where did went to?
i have same problem that say's arc error internet connectivity, but i can still use google to search something its still on.... what is going on? maintenance at 11pm its only 7:21pm here LOL..
nvm i got it, it convert's to 10M note I have no idea really how did that happend but tnx anyway!
im using loptop and desktop, my loptop, i re-format it so everything is delleted, then b-4 its easy to download this game now its getting harder. it was easy downnload save then run that's it and now is not like that anymore LOL. this time is different download theres 2 option open or save i tried boht at first save after…
i have no idea what to do in that torent.
if you think buying packs are cheap for you, not for me im not rich like you...
for you its useless but some people still wanna play for fun..
they should be do it not just engraving ring, belt n necklace i think its better than ebgraving them lol.
Could someone put a guide on Warsoul city, the Justice of envoys, lvl 80-89, 90-99, 100 and Spiritual Cultivation quest after lvl 79 pls. ty n advance.. The site need to put more quest guide since everyone is a high lvl now, should have this guide and updated already pls. put a quest guide as a requested, I appreciate if…
Thank you so much about the site you gave me it's really help a lot..
Somebody teach me how to put a pics either yourself or a game pics like PWI character?
I want to know how to put a pics liked guys did on forum pls. teach me and BTW those pics r nice ty in advance
hey can u teach me how do u put a anime pics liked yours?