**** it. Posting on Iku for old time's sake. Bye andracil and sorry for any headaches I may have caused (I was careful to not necro any more threads though). Edit: Just noticed that I quoted you in my siggy. Weird, don't remember doing that.
Oh looky what I found. Hm, it's not griefing if multiple people from several different factions are killing just popping in and throwing out an AoE is it?b:sin PvP servers on PWI were always carebear. Play Diablo 2 multiplayer on hardcore mode. Not necessarily PvP but the fact that anyone can declare hostility on anyone…
Indeed.ಥ_ಥ Do you know what Bo Shin Tang is (google is allowed, prepare to die a little inside)?b:sin
How do you steal free samples? Go fish.
Got a new one for you. I've been drunk for the past 2 days and during that time I've been sitting at my computer (pathetic, I know) while stealing a crappy wireless connection and trolling various forums. I told all my friends to **** off on facebook, emailed **** to some of the parents of kids I know in church, pissed off…
Oh, and seeing Kniraven reminded me. If you have the stats to use claws/fist and poles for your level then you'll also be able to use swords so you might want to check the sword/blade skills out while you're at it.
Divine_Death - Harshlands That one hasn't leveled in a while so I'm guessing the boss doesn't play him much.
Necro b:sweat
Me in-game? Not so much. I'm allowed to use my own computer and post on forums/facebook/myspace but I can't do much more than that until my 'therapist' is sure that I won't swallow 2 bottles of Excedrin and take a ballpoint pen to my neck again (the connection here isn't very conducive to playing online (3000 ping ftw)).…
What? I've stated several times that I'm korean.b:sweat You haven't talked to the Heavens Tear Ikurei, have you? If you have then that isn't me. <_<
Name the baby after me. It may restrain me from going on a rampage and killing every kitten, puppy, bunny, deer (actually, the bambis are ****ed no matter what), goldfish, squirrel, gerbil, panda, and giraffe in a 72.3 mile radius.
OP is a sphincter licking piece of human garbage who's very existence lowers the IQ of anyone who has had the displeasure to come in contact with him. I could go on and on and on but a simple picture prevents my post from dragging on for several thousand words. Besides, my cousin would get a kick out of knowing what I'm…
1) From my experiences with my noob BM (which, I admit, I did not play much and haven't been on for several months) even though the icon for bleed disappears after the first one ends, the mobs still takes damage. Test it out in case I'm wrong. 2) Yeah, most BMs are axe/hammer. Luckily there's a level 51 legendary pole…
Nymph: orly?b:nosebleed Gnome: OMFG!!b:infuriated
*puts pixie stix, energy drinks, and sugar in ATHAXIS' coffee* b:avoid
Not sure what I did to get in such a state but I once woke up half naked in the snow with my hair braided and my whole body covered in glitter. It was not fun.
Quadruple necro ftw!b:victoryಠ_ಠ
Did you even read his post?
ಠ_ಠ I claim full ownership of lame-sauce-face.b:bye GMs are sleeping.b:quiet
Don't bring your logic into my imaginary world where everything makes sense to me.b:angry Edit: And yes, I do know that stoic (calmish) is the opposite of emo (whiny *****). It's why I put the emo part in parentheses as a joke since so many Cloud fans seem to be convinced that he's so 'cool' and 'collected' when he'…
Kuja destroyed Terra.b:cute. Sorry, I don't really hate Sephiroth as much as I lead others to believe. I'm just sick of all the little fanboys who always talk about how 'awesome' he is. I hate Cloud for similar reasons. Stereotypical stoic (read: emo) hero.
Didn't you tell me that fist/claw BMs suck back when I first started?b:cute
Another Kefka fan? Also, I fixed it for you.b:victory Normally I'd agree that Kuja is almost as badass as Kefka but any villain who tells the heroes they sound like a chapter from a self-help book after they give their mandatory friendship/justice/cliche hero speech is far ahead of the herd. Sephiroth is a momma's boy who…
What? How dare you imply that someone do something for themelves?! You're supposed to hold their hand through every little decision they make so they don't have to think at all!b:angry Seriously OP, I agree with everyone else in this thread.
They're idiots. If you had buffed them then they would have attacked you after they had gotten the buffs.
What Reds said. Sometimes when you d/c then your character just stands there like an idiot even though you're not logged in.