Double check the drop down window to make sure you've selected the right server. Let us know if that wasn't the issue =)
If you are having trouble simply installing the game, then your firewall (etc) is not the issue. What OS are you using? Are you running as an administrator or with restrictions? I assume other interweb related things work fine? Edit: actually, in regard to the installation, have you been able to *download* the game? or is…
Is it shattered (PvP, or dying with safety lock on I believe) or just broken (normal wear and tear, 0/X durability)? If it is the latter, you just need to open up the "trade goods" like normal and in the lower right there will be a "repair" and "repair all" button. Click repair and click your weapon. Only requires coins.…
Though it does not have to be turned in the same day you pick it up. If you hold onto it for another day, turn in the quest, you will be able to pick up *that* day's CS quest. But they don't backlog further than that.
-Read the quest -Don't go to the Duke -Try relogging if you can't take it again -DON'T go to the Duke -Use search
Isn't Public Quest down that way? If so, it was just a pop-up with a brief direction for that.
If someone in the squad has a full quest log, the tabber will often get the "failed" message immediately. But yeah, it doesn't affect you at all. You should still have all your quests done from killing the boss. The tabs only help other members of the squad.
To me, that impies that by level 9, the quest is gone. Sorry...
Alternately, go behind the elder into that building, and to the right is a glowy portal thing. That will send you up there too.
Same on Sanc...I see people selling them around 10-12M.
He let's you make food? I honestly never noticed that. What materials does he need? Keep in mind, there's a good chance you *can't* make food and it is just left over from some bygone era.
Crafting for profit is touchy at best. Personally I don't recomend it. The 2* for the level 6 quests sell better, but even then...i dunno. I wouldn't buy one. Apothecary items are slightly better, as some of them are useful to a wider audience. You are often better off just trying to sell the mats you don't need, and…
This is the tideborn jump quest, right? When you are on the boat, face back towards the shore and jump up to the bow of the boat (long, thin mast sticking out of the front). Jump, and when you are at the peak of the jump, hit jump again and push forward. If you look closely at the mast, you'll see it has sort of a bend;…
Normal XP Rate: Why have bounty hunter at all? It was a new addition too. Botique Items: Stock so cash shoppers buy quickly? I thought the idea of P2P was "no cash shop"? Or am I missing something here. More likely, these things would be purchased with coin only, or could be found as drops or end-instance chests. Also, not…
HH = Twilight Temple (it was called holy hall in another version of PW) Personally, world chat is your friend for TT squads. Either watch it for people starting a squad, or use it to announce you are starting one. I very rarely seen people asking in general chat to start these.
1) mounts, pets, and clothes are all permanent, but this is not the case for *all* cash shop items (notably the special chat icons are timed). If you click on them in the cash shop, they will have a little icon, most saying "perm" that indicates it is a permanent item, though it can still be consumable (disappears after…
As a matter of completeness for the guide, does anyone have the info on Loyalty (MP)? How much is the xp reduced? The girl is not so much the problem but I may be interested in bringing a party to blood combat. That's the trade-off, right: less xp now and the chance to bring a squad later? Is there a level/people…
Bear with me, but let's get the basics out of the way: 1) You are talking to a banker, right? 2) looking under "quest related"? 3) You don't have it in your quest log somewhere? maybe at the bottom? 4) You didn't take the "extension stone" quest and are looking for materials? 5) You *certain* you didn't trash it (some…
If you bought the gold with real money and have not sold and re-bought it, a GM can move it to a different server for you. Just submit a ticket and they will help out. If you bought the gold with in-game coin, no. They can't help you there.
I know it is past your deadline...but in case you didn't get it done 1) Post your server. I can't see your avatar (if you even loaded one). 2) What is your class? This will be imperetive to making an adequet (all you can hope for) squad with your limitations. edit other questions weren't really helpful =)
If you have all the mats, they are in your inventory, you've never expanded your safe before (except perhaps the first material gathering quest) and you haven't taken the "safe stone" quest, then you should not need to go to 1k streams. If any banker in any city isn't working for you, your problem likely won't be fixed by…
It was solved by sumbitting a ticket to the billing department. If this is indeed a technical issue, that is the way to take care of it. They get a *lot* of tickets, but they seem to get around to them. Submit here
You seem to be new Spence, but the policy here is don't post to threads that have 1) already been answered 2) were answered more than 1 month ago (or in this case like a year and a half ago) necro necro close close Edit: or you are an ad-bot. In which case you don't care.
While your point is correct, the OP switches between talking about tabs and receiving item rewards. I wanted to make it clear that xp/spirit is not a reward for the quest NOR should they be getting xp/spirit from tabs when it is their own tab, in case that was the point of confusion.
-Make sure you have all of the required mats in your inventory, not your storage (if you track the quest, are all items in Green?) -Make sure you haven't already extended your bank via a storage stone, as this will prevent you from doing the quest (assuming you somehow took "worries" and then extended via stone, which I'm…
Sorry if this sounds hard, but please make a new thread. Feel free to reference this one, but provide specific details of your problem as well as steps you've already tried. Yeah, you may *then* be flamed for not searching, but new threads are the protocol on the forums. Link to this thread from there.
This Thread It is now doable in a squad
The tabs give other people xp and spirit...doesn't look like the quest is supposed to give out xp/spirit to you.
Male Clerics? b:laugh Fairies are the things you get when you go demon/sage, and they remove 50 chi from an opponent or grant you 50 chi, respectively. Though that may be a skill that simply coincides with the choice, though i thought some kind of lore associated the two.
yes, but only if you find something you plan on keeping for a long time with that +str. For example, there was an amulet that gave +2str and +1% xp i kept for a long time. However, it forces you to always look for gear with +str rather than truley useful bonuses. The edge you get from that extra 1 mag every two levels, in…