Iea - Harshlands Arc User


  • LOL wot this thread called? 5 top sin and Psy? lol i can help it if i am the only psy who has lvl past 80 and keeped lvling and Pking but i hit hard befor i just got my HH90 gold wep JAJAJAJAJA with 1 G1 amber <--so i dont miss
  • see u have it all worng were all psy and sin will fail is if they get to 90 and cant pvp for **** were as my self and killer Ftalty Nova Esco (not seen psy pvp other then me) they wot suck at 90 as they pked from 75+i see sins lvl80-85 and there so fail keep attking with soul burn on and kill them self
  • Ur right i do deal hard Ask Emo WDF droped him PEACE Full buff (no marrow) and Fail_Fate had to 3 spark to stop me he had full buff and charm but come back and OWNED his wife i will be a lot better at 90 as i will have Full TT90 clasic Mage build and Armor so fun times to come and how the **** has Zinova got 7 K hp QQ…