I tend to do a lot more text based as well. Specially over on DreamWidth. It's a lot more fun and the community of RPers on DW is fun to be a part of. As far as RP in game....yeah I'm going to stick with RPing with my close friends, as well as on GuildWars2.
Kingdom Hearts is what is known as a JRPG, or Japanese Roleplaying yeah that would sort of work. A lot of people do text based rps. Something like: Resting beside the lake, Ichi stared at the sky. He had been away from his home for so was odd to be so far north. As he stared at the glittering stars…
....... Ever heard of D&D? Basically you would play AS your character, talk to other people IN CHARACTER. It's basically story telling.
Like I said, I guess I'll just stick with GuildWars2 then. It may cost a bit at first, but there are two servers basically dedicated to RP. You can't go anywhere in Tarnished Coast without running into someones story. Who knows, maybe once my friends from there and I get our faction made up you might see a bit of RP around…
-_- Thanks, you all are so mature and helpful. I know a lot of people who RP....I guess PWIs community just isn't that amusing. Oh well....
Are people still interested in an RP guild? I only ask because I got into RPing in an MMO because of GuildWars2. I'm a member on Tarnished Coast there and it's one of two unofficial RP servers. It's a blast! I love wandering around and catching the random RP everywhere. A couple of my friends and I were talking about…