IceHealer - Lost City Arc User


  • Okay firstly my faction doesn't usually have enough people on to do an actual TT run most of the time, therefor I made outside friends to help me run them. Not just for my gear alone, the whole part of doing TT is going for everyone's gear and splitting the rewards (aka the TT items). Secondly I didn't answer your question…
  • guys must be freakin BORED. I honestly did not expect this many replies to my thread. Well I am back and so far I'm having a blast, I got myself a new wardrobe and a buttload of charms. I have found out that in my 4 month hiatus that most of my TT friends don't play anymore, So now I think I'll turn this into a…
  • Lol no no no, I just recently got a new job that pays me a bit more. Therefor giving me enough to casually spend on the cs, I couldn't do that with my last job so playing the game wasn't worth it. Now that I have a bit more flexible income I think my upgrades are gonna be a lot more worthwhile, (especially my wardrobe…
  • I think I've decided. I am defiantly coming back. I am to be the official healer for the HOME guild, say hi if you spot me on tomorrow.
  • Seriously OP needs to use proper English when trying to solve a problem. Cause dude...I'm a wizard WITH essential sutra and I have no idea what the hell you just said. I find no problem with the skill at all...I still **** any Barb or BM that comes within firing range...instantly.
  • 20K on a Scout Clam in the Dragon Gulf. It was my crowning achievement and I hope to do more in the near future.
  • Just a thought. Why wasn't this thread posted in the archer forum...ya know like it kinda should be?
  • I agree with everyone. It does in fact look like a giant flaming ****. PW should have come out with something a bit more classy (like a white dragon or idk something cool like that). PW still doesn't justify why I should pay out 50 big ones for something like that (that's the retail price of a PS3 game guys!) and I still…
  • Agreed Aelric, getting even just a little warning before the release of a new mount/pet would be really nice. I would love to know when the Panda or NineTails are actually going on sale?