Stay on topc guys, i don't like how u all r doing the derail thing, this is not a train. Bad! i want u guyz to continue talking about the topic or else I will have to call in a big person to smoosh you.
You see, the word on the street just drops onto the street and I use that to spies. You guys in your factions have to be more careful with your information, stpo using paper. Earth day is near and paperi s bad for the enviroment! But back to my spy methods i use the paper I found on the floor of the streets in anchient…
Rawrgh will now be referred to as "The Situation" in all my posts, I recommend you all pick up that habit as well. BUT I DIGRESS.
The Rawrgh option will be included in Infamy, QQme and Leviathanz reports. I wwill poke jim in some way shape or and form, just cuz I can. So please, vote with your heart not with rawrgh.
Thanks for all the positive responses guys! I will definantly write another one of thes tommorow. And yeah legend i try to throw some math and logic reasoning in there to help the higher thiners in the room undastund what i r takling about. I tink it worked because I got a lot of good reviews, and good reviews = good views…