SweetieBot please farm 100 Dreadindra for me SweetieBot kill Dreadindra 100 times
SweetieBot please tell the gamemasters to fix my faction icon
SweetieBot will you marry me?
SweetieBot why is the server maintenance taking longer than expected?
SweetieBot analyze Surtr
SweetieBot do you like me?
SweetieBot what are all the possible combinations in a hand of poker?
SweetieBot please open 1000 easy rider packs for me
SweetieBot, please open 100 anniversary packs for me
SweetieBot please report server status, thanks love you
SweetieBot are you a bot?
Hi, yes I relogged several times. And no I have not completed any quests for I can't even start any b:scorn
I did everything properly, and its the other way around, you talk to the guy next to the elder to get the quest to speak with general summer, then general summer gives you the order. The thing is quests should be showing up and they aren't