...lutri...that wasnt a cmplete troll Anywho **** game blows, got a bunch of carebear factions to afraid to TW against each other and have fun.
Just Nurfed. ~only one who was worth a damn before gear...ya know besides myself.
Could have atleast slowmoed that elite bids action
It would be sad to see you go bud
fauk watchers, might wanna not go in 1 at a time and rambo ****
world pvp is a joke. Not only this but most of cata is busy playing other games..
I am going to guess you weren't very good at pvp and dodged out of lost city. Even with equal gear and not one shotting people there is no skill involved with pvp. There never was, there never will be. 90 wiz on HT before HL was ever released, I played before nixes.
Of course I was around when +5 was high refinement, game doesn't take skill. Game knowledge plays some effect but there is not very much to learn. After that it comes down to the reaction time. You can defend this game if you are bad at pvp all you want, you are probably one of the people that dont understand the first…
Pretty big assumption you and others are making over a skilless game. This is not starcraft 2 where hours of training are put in so Koreans play at a higher level, this is a relatively simple game with a very low learning curve. Honestly theres not much anyone can do differently no matter what server they are on, when…
Rigga should recruit you cuz you are a ****** TW Strategic Genius
what you dont have a girl that left you for another supposedly lesser man and you dont want to share it with the rest of the internetz through world chat?
lol.b:byeb:byeb:byeb:byeb:bye also bosk, they didnt do it to prevent coin farming, the see an opportunity to make money and they take it.
sure....I take it you pvp on a pve server often?
No this is an attempt to point out that most of your assumptions up there are wrong.
I see, and this is from your extensive amount of pvp experience is it?
excuse my last post to you please, it was apparently threatening and insulting. You see my issue with your opinion here is that it is based of minimum time around this company, while I understand your sympathy for the forum mods here trust me it is well misplaced. Welcome to the boards friend.
who were you again?
I see your point! Instead of GMs DOING their job and banning botters and such they are going to punish legit players who spend days farming DQ cause of god awful drop rates. Do you even think before you make long ridiculous posts of BS?
You apparently have as much knowledge about in game economy and merchanting as someone who never played the game before. Honest to god people, if you dont know anything about either then dont post here.
or you could RQ for the 4th tie cause major drama and guild fallout
For someone who uses sarcasm you sure lack the eye of catching it
some how people always overlook the skill factor involved in TW, it never ceases to amaze me. Yes, good gears with heavy TW experience and knowledge is unstoppable, but most of you havent the first clue what you are talking about having never been in a large TW yourself.
wow they knockbacked a range class. that is skill right there my friends. ~this has been a known glitch for a really long time, fortunately the GMs are taking care of more pressing issues like Medals. Thank god they fixed that.
ok so you RFKCINGWITME, i was just making sure.
So after offering OP gear they take it away....thats balance? RUFCKINGWITHME?
no you got trolled, see my brilliant troll was to make you think that you trolled me but i was trollin you cause you were like "i trolled you lolol" and i was like nope you responded to me like I knew you would so I trolled you....unless of course you are trolling me again but let me inform you if you think you have…
Thats not true Erz, I mentioned in vent one time to iffy a theory on the fact that lutricas penor was bitten off at an early age by a dog which is why he is so angry at the world and plays a female char even though he is "technically" male irl even tho he doesnt have a ****. Iffy readily agreed that my conclusions were…
So how many times do you get spit in your face before you fight back or get upset?
logical thinking leads me to believe you are a moron. So what if the Medals are tradeable, YOU COULD ALWAYS JUST SELL THE DQs. What the medals did was stimulate the economy you ****** idiots, cash shoppers sold gold on the reg so they could buy something they could not get form the CS. You people need to get your heads out…
possibly, how much damage do you really do with an 70 weap tho with no blessing. If its to much maybe make it a 60 or even a 50 wep? Not to mention wings of grace as to archers pvp