Hthor - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Not entirely relevant, or irrelevant for that matter. Use Lysing on a Punishing Sting and it doesn't affect elemental immune mobs either, even though the Punishing Sting's normal attack does. Weird - no way that can be intended b:puzzled
  • Then I'd like it if they fixed the wording... last I checked it said something like "recovers the target's MP by 800(?) over 15 seconds"
  • I'm hoping they fix (doesn't need nerfing per-se, just fixing to obey standard game 'rules', lol) it at some point. It's awesome how it is, but it is a tad unfair. Sad to say I really doubt it'll get fixed. Have they even fixed cleric's magic shell not refreshing itself or sage cleric's spirit's gift not applying mp…
  • I guess, but getting huge -chan for the sole purpose of spamming one skill is kind of a waste imo. Is it really worth paying that much money for one skill? Considering mystics have the -chan buff already (and demon Mystics probably get the standard -chan spark, too - I'm not sure) it doesn't seem worth it to me... Just my…
  • I don't understand why mystics need more -chan. Everything already channels very fast, and we even have a skill to give us a temporary mini-rb every 35 seconds if we need it. Imo the bonus you'd get even if you had -50% chan would be insignificant (a 0.5 sec chan skill also has a 0.5 sec cast, meaning 1 sec total. With…