Hthor - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • TBH, I think all of us clerics have had that exact same situation T_T
  • Thanks for the feedback :P. I would make one long post but I kept hitting a character limit or something to that effect :(. And I do use SoR and Chrom, and I'm getting GL soon - They just cost a fair bit to upgrade/get so I don't want to talk about how I use em yet. There's a chance that I may say "use this skill this way"…
  • Wellspring Surge (Wellspring) - 3 Best Pros: ○ Combat useable (1.5 sec. channel isn't great, but it's tolerable) ○ Very low MP use ○ Heals enough that you can use it in emergencies - 3 Worst Cons: ○ Barely sooths a high-HP target at all ○ No heal over time, the small amount it heals is all it heals ○ Channel time (yes,…
  • Ironheart Blessing (IH) - 3 Best Pros: ○ Can give near invincibility when spammed on a single target ○ Heal over Time effect lets you focus on other party members ○ Very spam able (it stacks, and casts fast) - 3 Worst Cons: ○ NONE! (people think that at least, and become too reliant on it ;)) ○ High MP use (spam casts…
  • Blessing of the Purehearted (BotP) - 3 Best Pros: ○ Low MP use ○ Heals a fair bit more than most cleric skills ○ Great for grinding when trying to make money - 3 Worst Cons: ○ Insane channel time (seriously, WTF - 3 seconds...? O.o) ○ Uses in combat are extremely limited ○ Most will label you a "fail cleric" upon use…
  • Heals Blessing of the Purehearted (BotP): 10 Ironheart Blessing (IH): 10 Wellspring Surge (Wellspring): 10 Revive (Res/Rez): 10 Purify (Pure): 10 Chromatic Healing Beam (Chrom/AoE Heal): 3 Stream of Rejuvination (SoR): 2 Buffs Vanguard Spirit (p.def): 10 Magic Shell (m.def): 10 Celestial Guardian's Seal (hp&mp): 10…
  • Heal These are all your healing spells. You may notice I did not include Regeneration Aura (BB), I DO NOT consider BB a heal - yes, it does heal, but you shouldn't rely on it for healing. Buffs These are what you use to increase various stats of yourself and party members. Phys These are your skills that have something to…
  • That's beautiful, it's not ALWAYS true, but the vast majority of the time I think that's very well stated :P.