HowlingZero - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I can easily create a level 30 veno within 1-2 days and just transfer the items through mail. Then delete and recreate a new character. it's way too exploitable
  • Crazy stones will alone pretty much be your free ride through 30-50's. It's like a reward for those who played the game long enough and are continuing to do so. However it's quite annoying when you decide to switch class, but the sense of lost effort and time will always be there in that situation. Help a newbie with FBs,…
  • Rep is rather unreasonable after Rank 2 However it'd rather rewarding for those rare equipment collectors Also very much do-able for those who spend hours crafting rather than grinding It's quite rare, but there are a few players who enjoy tinkering with side skills Although I have to say after rank 4 or so it gets rather…