i won +12 twice from 20pcks:D
damn ok i ban paypal acc from pwi... how long 1-2months:P oh PERMA IJSb:pleased
So please pwi staff, make a new update on this thread and tell us what is happening to the code,that should not be so hard...for most ppl... but then again its pwi...
UPDATE: We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse. They have now investigated the situation, but they say nothing about keeping the code closed. So yes , i understand that ppl are confused not getting it to work.
im not good at all in coding:3 but 4y i been here i never had so bad expirience within service, bug and glitches. after v4liance left pwi is felling apart:(
OK, this is great, all we need to do now is wait ... rollback here we come. So glad I did not level my bm ... this is BS ...b:angry And why cant they post something,just so we know??
What did they do on Archosaur?
But why is RT server online,and all get message "server error"....
Now pwi is starting to **** me off... How hard is it to do a desent job,and get things up so ppl can play. We are sitting here and waithing for servers to get up,and then you get this... For gods sake do what we are paying you to do... Take RT server down and fix the stupid error...
WTF is this **** pwi....
Sweetiebot please open 10000 Wildlife Packs
Well i got to log in, kill one wb. and the dc .So now i have same problem *** all of you....Niceone pwi
are we being punished for something ..... or ...
Can a squad pm me for WB when RT server get online.
Get RT online....b:cry
SweetieBot open 20000 Snake Fortune Packs
SweetieBot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
SweetieBot open 10k Snake Fortune Packs. Or til you get ☆☆☆Crown of Madness.
Its now 02:40 am b:cry wtf. How come server stat says 2:40 and here 1:40 am??
And its only RT. went to Harshland,nor problems there=(
Same here cant log in, Tryed 2 diff accounts, and when i come to char window i get cant conect and disconected.b:surrender
thedan u r not the only 1 that notice slimer rates, or should i say some % is changed. im a farmer myself. i do 3-x's. i notice much less gold this 2x than earlier 2x's. 3-1 is alot worse fore exemple, mother aura its good exemple ijs. remember i got 11 christmas season... 2 this eventD: ill. stone - gbf - etc... i know…
lol my *** off...50g for +10 orbsb:byetime to count the days to ~removed~ arrive>stupid sales like this even make me happier:I i can buy a super steak with bbq in resturant for that priceb:laugh
- here i come