My R8 recast. This was a 2nd try. The first time I recasted I got...very awful stats.
I didn't know what the max stats on them were. For some reason a friend was telling me I could get up to 20 chan for a unique. So that is why I wanted to possibly hone. But when I looked at the r8 recast thread I saw it was only 10.
No, the chan was my unique. I have: -8 chan 2% crit 5% reduce dmg 18 magic I tried for puri, but tbh, with so many r9s out there I really wouldn't last long enough for it to proc and as a wiz the more chan the better.
Ya I'm scared about it possibly going down. The mats are all pretty damn expensive, so idk if I wanna try my luck.
Wwaahhh! Everyone lvl so fast! Me still low lvl! Ppl should loose acc for doing this! Waahhhhh! Go QQ moar plz! b:lipcurl