yea i realized now but they should still consider my second suggestion
so what's the point of getting differen't moods? and the levels the higher the level the better? never mind i figured it out differen't moods= differen't skills
YEP! i just figured it out it is the new lycean pass thing that helps u level up your pets... but like you said, why would we wanna waste our stars on giving our pets exp since we know how hard it is to get them each day.... i'd rather save them evolve my pets since i still have 3-4 pets needing to be evolved still.... and…
you can reroll/reshape your pet?! and is it the stars that u use to give exp to your pets? if it is the fearl soul stars then omg i've been doing it all this time i didn't even know u could use those to give exp to your pets
can someone just please tell me where to get to this daily instance! i've searched the forums and i can't find out how to get to this new daily instance to level up my pets really fast!
Ok i guess i'll go look at the venomancer forums but can you tell me what FCC means?
My First Suggestion Suggestion: I would like to suggest the game developers to please give venomancer pets a mode where they will attack random mobs by themselves without venomancers telling them to do anything. My reason: The reason I want this is because training a brand new pet to get to the same level as you takes…
QUESTION! Was I sappose to post my ideas in the first thread in this area for ideas or am I sappose to make a new thread like this? was I sappose to post my idea here?
well I don't even know how to record game play videos and about the second part I've never heard of a daily instance to make your pets level up to 100 really fast would you mind leading me to where I can read about it or tell me about it? and yes I am level 100 venomancer
I forgot to say but I am the creator of this certain topic this is my first time posting here and I just changed my avatar so that's why it doesn't look like i'm the owner of this topic
I've seen people go afk in room 4 while their pets auto attack the mobs in there and I wanted to learn how to do that but I wasn't sure if it was against the rules or not so that's why I was suggesting a real way to Game developers to see to it. and if tat doesn't work then there's still my second suggestion i'm pretty…