Nothing wrong with 2 computers, nothing wrong with files, have been playing for 4 years with it set up the same and now this ARC bs is shoved down our throats and it isn't recognizing the already installed game? Oh WOW, and we get free potions for using ARC, gee, thx b:angry
I'd like a rollback of about 2 1/2 years plz b:laugh
Well, last time I was in Lunar, this time I was in main map b:cry
Time for bed early tonight, gn Arch, hope everything is up and running by the morning.b:laughb:laughb:laugh
Have to agree. But really IDK, put more lame, timed fashion weapon skins in boutique, it drives gold prices down b:laughb:laughb:laugh
So this is snapshot while pwi said I was laggy: 1 <1 ms <1 ms 1 ms 2 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 3 * 9 ms 191 ms [68 .85.150.165] 4 15 ms 9 ms 10 ms [] 5 14 ms 16 ms 30 ms…
I also have been experiencing terrible lag ever since the last update and it's not isolated to just a few people. Conversely I've heard some people who used to experience frequent game crashes run smoothly since the update so obviously something has indeed changed. I went from low ping and decent fsp to ping in the high…
101 Ways to Cook Kun Kun
This is total BS. Casters would run with melee classes if we could actually join them in runs, but no one will take us with them. Now we're limited to 3 runs per day while APS squads run as many times as they have keys for them. And reducing dmg by 5% lmao so it will take an extra few seconds to kill something, big deal.
Yeah, it's funny how many ppl seem oblivious or get mad when they should know it's coming and for question, 1 now i'm leader, but it's full of alts and inactives, so i'm looking for another with a friend