Hirizer - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • @alexdifra 5/5 for your wizard because Deadpool :D @idunnohuh your mystic is really cute! I think her eyes are too wideset for how thin her jawline is so I'd mess around with those two but I like her colors and the :3 mouth she has. 3.5/5 My new(est) cleric - I'm pretty happy with how un-presetty she came out ^^
  • awww thank you!! I KNOW AUGH the lip thing drives me up the wall, but there's no way to adjust lip colors on earthguards without ini tweaking b:surrender @Rieco ... 2.5/5 ... Definitelyyyyyy need to size down on the eye size there ;9. make the horizontal width a lot smaller and shrink the eyeball size a bit. also make sure…
  • ahaha; we're all guilty of fooling around with the character creation thingie, right? but I'm likin' this new mystic a lot so far, I might actually play her and everything! :] (I get bored with old characters, it's more fun to go through the newbie initiate phase :D) what do you guys think?