SweetieBot are wedding packs going on sale this week
SweetieBot what was the Dow Jones average
SweetieBot aren't servers suppose to be up by now whats the update status please keep us informed some i don't want to read all these other players flaming about it like they usually do LOL
one cant get married at level 30+ the game at this time caps at level 105 with plans to cap at 150 so for now the exp will be no more then 147% of the 354300 exp you get at 99-105 level for CS that would be 520821 exp at level 99+ untill they change the CS when they change the level cap if they do
sorry to burst anyones bubble but with Proper research one would fine the exp is based off of the current Crazy stone quest thus exp for completing marriage quests is 147% of what you would get for doing a CS at your level when you do the Marriage quest
Signs and Delicious Crabs are level 5 Quests Not level 4 Conspiracy is actually a level 5 Quest not level 6 Orb of Humanoid shark Trison will give you 30,000 gold but Dmitrii will give you 200 Spirit Or Lumane will give you 400 Exp. i may be a bit wrong on this but look into it... for spiritual adept you dont talk to…
Removed sence thers another now thats been posted