Heriod - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • Still waiting for more feedback and for administrators / GM's opinion. Please bear in mind it does NOT regard to Territory Wars time. The idea is only to add a second starting time for the events: City of Abominations Celestial Tiger Event Temple of the Dragon Jungle Ruins So that players from all around the world can…
  • There are 6 billion people in the world and v.good real-life statistics base on 100,000 ppl test groups... thats 1/60000 of all... Now PWI: 600/150,000 (over 100k right?) = 1/250... now tell me what is representative... Why can't you act like people with normal understanding... What harms you so much in the double event…
  • "Talk to an **** and it will shiit on you..." Idiot... every faction was 100-200 ppl. They were international, meaning multicultural + multinational = u could find people of all nations inside. Even with 100 per faction it makes 600 people which is statistically QUITE a representative group. Now go away to your 20-ppl…
  • Well... I could really tell you "now kindly shut up" after reading your "QQ +1". How do I know about nearly 50% outside usa? Basically - I was in ~6 international factions and I have asked people where are they from (yeah u would say, you play in "your time" and americans play when you sleep... unfortunately for you, this…
  • I really appreciate your reply and feedback. Especially those who supported the idea. I have already submitted a ticket to PW Support concerning the matter. Anyway, still waiting for some Mod/Dev to visit the thread and share his/her opinion with us. Furthermore, more player opinion would also be cool :)
  • European version is at <PWI 2 years ago> stage of development, so don't wonder why euro people stay with PWI. They created their characters here and stick to PWI for a reason... And if PW wanted Europeans to play the european version then why would they advertise PWI on strictly european websites?? If all the european…
  • Dude did u even read the beginning of the thread??? IT'S NOT ABOUT TW b:angry It's about the events that you maybe don't even know about (if you really are Dutch) because they take place at 5 am. Stop telling others to move to crappy fake european PW version, if it's so worth it, then why aren't u there? why still playing…
  • Hey Hellraisor. It's not the point of TW, I said already. Because TW times would need to be completely changed and if it would suit Europe, it won't suit America. I know that and I can't QQ or anything about it because america leads in this matter (server location and all the stuff u mentioned). All I wanted is to make 2…
  • For all the morons who QQd on their freaking internationality: Guys were u born during World War II near an exploding granade or what? What causes such insane hate by u huh? I just want a simple change that will make other people enjoy the game and make you QQers still play! (we also paid the ******n money to cash shop…
  • I wish an admin came here and shared his opinion about the idea with us.
  • But they can choose 2 times like by dungeon race. Nobody is complaining about the times there and it's ok.
  • Dude are you crazy? we work 10 hours a day u Nazist... I dont qq about TW cause i know there NEEDS to be one time for it. And i respect american timing in this matter. But considering instances, it would be good when 2 times was itroduced, cause along with many thousands of euro players we DO have jobs/school/study etc.…
  • 1. Too wide top frame when clicked on the consignment shop. 2. "Sold: x items" doesnt fit the notifications frame when u click on the "!" mark after selling something. 3. Impossible to see some items name by the Auction House Search function. The font is too big for the name to fit the frame.
  • Someone brought a nice example. Snake Isle Dungeon Race. They made 2 starting times for it. One of them is aroun 9 PM in Europe. Another one is around 9PM in America, true?. So it is possible. And did you see anyone QQing about two Race times? me not... Because it is natural that some people work/sleep and generaly live in…
  • Americans... are you really that happy because Europeans can't play your game in that extent as you do? What fun is it? "Hell yeah we got the proper time and u don't!! Mwahahahaa n00bs" Like that?... You are not in any extent being harmed if the devs put an additional time for Europeans. Then what is your point? Why QQing…
  • Where is it written that it's for American players only? It is called International which is speaking for itself. International means people of different nations can play it. There is nothing american in this game except that the server is in America. Such is it meant to be, and so is it. Edit: Concerning the post before:…
  • Thx for replies guys - well, the point is: If i "outlevel" a TT, I can still go there, for fun, or to make money from drops. If i outlevel an alpha, I cant get there anymore in the character's life, although I really wanted to see what's inside, to try it out and to have fun there, without spending additional days and…
  • Then what's the point about making Alpha, Beta and Gamma? It was the developers hard work to create all 4 modes different and unique, why should we stick to just one now and let the rest stay abandoned? Of course it's fun to do Delta, but why doing 1 mode only when there are 4 available? :)
  • Hi, I'm a barb lvl 55 - also wanting hard to make full alpha, it must be fun. I've done several full gammas with my archer main, now trying to repeat it on alpha :) Contact with me in-game, nickname: Azgarius cya :) btw. Also got a lvl 54 wiz friend :) Edit: and 2 bms :P (need to mail them first tho to be ready)
  • Ok let's sum up: Passionate Robe: Abaddon, falls out. Archer got enought critrate even without it. Cape of Tauran, falls out. It does got +250 mag res and hp/mp regen, but crappy other stats. 2 left: Wings of Cloudcharger (4 votes): Virtues: always 4 sockets makes archer better PVM character (what about duels with barbs?)…
  • Thank you for replies. Corrected the mistakes. I put Cape of Tauran because of its magic resistance together with mp regenaration which is crappy by archers. Waiting for more opinions guys
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