I think this is the post with the least bull in the last 10 pages. Grats to you HolyInferno. Look at it this way, Regicide took Wizzeled so he would stop QQing at you to join your faction. Be happy, Regicide took one for the team. GJ Regicide, we love you.
4 barbs * 12 seconds invuln per 3 minutes is not enough to kill a crystal. and they're not 100+ either. Levels? Regicide itself claims to have 120 90+. Gear? Regi has its fair share of cash shoppers, people who took advantage of the event. This is just your sad excuse that you lost. :P This just sounds lame. 4 barbs can't…
It's hallow? Should get that checked out =\
QQ, I need more hats.
So he's right? Lulz. The fact that you ragequitted a faction twice and weren't accepted to two prestigious factions on the server says something about your personality. The fact that you're trying to make the case that it's separate from your real life is lame, because you're probably not much different as a person. Go…