I've been soloing BH29 with my sin. And what you say about the Ghouls isn't right. If you attack a Ghoul(1), the 2nd Ghoul will come to you too. The Lantern is seperate. (I don't know about the Flame, I attack that one as last one, cause of it's range.) Or at least.. That's how it happens to me.. Or is that due to 'Knife…
Lol i had a funny experience.. When me Veno was like.. 4x or something? a barb tried to pk me. I had the skymanta u get at lvl 30 (blue one) So he was probably thinking i was just 30. I saw him getting closer real slow (also on his earo) and i was prepared.. He attacked me once,.. didn't do alot of damage.. i was in a rage…
Woohoow.. jeez.. sorry don't get worked about it.. Sorry i asked for help tideborns never need help right? They're invincible.
I'm a beginner Cleric lvl 37, I really want to be a good cleric, so do u guys have some tips? So what i know from reading this is if people are complaining about your healing just ignore them. Could someone of you give le some tips please?? TY!