Hazon - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Happened to see your thread, i'm like you that i love being HA veno when i was stull playing in pwi. HA veno is a great supporting class esp in tw cos we debuff n amplify. However u still need a nix with flesh for more support damage. i'm in private n still using HA veno with g17 gears n shard with mag def on all my gears.…
  • Sure :) Add me, Hazon in your friendlist if I'm online :)
  • I wish to know too on the sage summer sprint, can any sage veno let us know how it works? And also how u guys in HA defends a pure magic caster, I am almost always got one shotted in tw cos I wore HA and AA for my boots n wrist. I'm just curious esp those veteran HA veno lol.
  • its abt 5am mon morning (sg local time) for me too when Nef attack my fac... All the best Enelysion b:victory
  • geez, thanks for the "enlightenment" but I'm just kidding... b:laugh
  • hmm...I always believe that most Nef members are not from US cos u guys always attack at 1400h guess I'm right..lol Probably sunday might have problem too cos to some members sunday means monday at their location and need to work too... guess sunday is the best time to bid for tw with u guys b:chuckle
  • Oh man, Rei, guess u already missed those phy def lol. Think I'm the first few to support u n this build in this thread and I swear this is a fantastic build. I had actually re-statted back to vit+arcane during my lvl70s but I kinda of regretted so I re-stat back to HA+AA when I reached lvl 80s cos of tw. This is definitly…
  • My sawfly has both lvl4 flesh ream and bash lvl 4 flesh ream inflicting base damage plus 180% of your pet base damage over 9 secs (bleed) but 15 secs cooldown while bash deals 185% of your pet base damage with 8 secs cooldown. normally I use bash for tanking just like my herc cos it deals more damage in one attack and…
  • I hope these were not qq threads from u guys when u lost. We, Enelysion, worked hard n fight well as a team in every tw. And thanks for the "concern" on our fac members' gears. Amp is a good fac with nice players, but I hope we can take it(win/lose) more maturely.
  • Enelysion is definitly not a Nef pawn which some people thought of. Yes, we attack Leg almost every week not b'cos we hate them, we actually enjoyed the TW fun with them and learned TW experience from them during the one hr or even three hrs TW. Yes, we also wish Sanc shouldn't be dominated by one color but just like wat…
  • Well u can come our faction, Enelysion which basically do or have wat all u mention esp TW,TT n FC daily and we have couple of guys doing PKin too and of coz we have plenty friendly n crazy ppl with a nice leader b:chuckle. If u interested, pm any Enelysion officer for more info in Sanc. b:pleased
  • dun try to build till u have enough stats or know wat u doing. cos I'm a living example when i started in my lvl40s. just read Rei's guide or highly recommemd to start at lvl 80.
  • Now I know y wat happened to my herc. It happened to me too during tw. My herc just stood there n wondering wats going on there b:angry and I was killed b'cos of this. But my sawfly worked fine though.
  • [Hazon] (Level 83 Heavy/Robe veno) stats sit at: (Base stats, no EQ add ons) Vit: 3 Str: 181 Magic: 216 Dex: 30 Hit Points: 2104 (With EQ add ons) Vit: 23 Str: 193 Magic: 270 Dex: 41 Hit Points: NA
  • Good Job Enelysion! b:victory
  • I had no idea wats your intent to bring out this meaningless topic and u r scared to use your main to start this thread which obviously u r trying to stir this groundless n unnecessary topic. Yes it will cause panic to most venos but it definitly don't hurt much on non-herc/nix venos.
  • I won the aero delight frm the anni pack and I changed it for razor sting (untamed fly mount). Since then I had many pm to ask me if I wanna sell my mount, some even offer 17million for my mount. I'm sure u can try selling it ard 12million - 15million which most ppl offered to me this price. b:pleased
  • Nice, Dan is taking over as the reporter work lol b:thanks It is Enelysion btw..lol Good luck Enelysion! I feel sad I can't make it with u guys. And good luck to everyone like myself who believes the map should not be owned by two colors only or monotone for this weekend TW b:victory.
  • I hope the GM/dev can reset the whole map... it is getting sad/bored to see one faction taking the whole map b:angry
  • Anyone know Ence still playing PWI, really looking forward on his guide for lvl80 b:laugh
  • lol I agreed. This thread shows how immature/ignorance some individual are, dun understand y people takes things so negative or upset for a symbol which had been around for centuries.
  • without these threads, there will be no forum and you won't be reading it n give your 2cents worth of post anyway it awlays fun to read these threads
  • I wondered if the gm fix the game by making nix can pk/duel with someone in air only and/or fix the bleed bug on ground so it is up to that person if he wanna to pk or duel with veno w nix on the ground or in the air. I guess it make everyone fair and maybe without the gm/game dev losing battle pet sales.
  • Hi I started my heavy/arcane aka hyrid built when I was in lvl 45. Let me tell you it is not easy and cheap to build so my advice is restat it when you are lvl 80 or late 70s cos at that lvl you can wear TT70 HA while equip with TT70 magic sword. If you decide to do it early in the game, you have problem with your magic…
  • hi nothing much to say so just drop by to say hi to everyone b:chuckle
  • Any mobs on the justice quest is decent enough to grind. As your lvl go higher, try Seaspray Bladewolf at dreamweaver port, melee mobs with decent drops. Or the mobs in nightscream island (but they'r highly aggressive). Gd luck! b:laugh
  • If you grind in foxform, be prepared for the repair bill b:chuckle
  • can it stack with veno's Amplify Damage?
  • We have a couples of singaporean in our faction including myself, D'Gamers in Sanctuary server. But we recruit lvl50 onwards cos we wanna do TW. If you interested pm me in this forum. D'Gamers lvl 3 faction welcomes all lvl50++ and all classes, we do TT,FB,Rebirth,Zhen,TW,Bosses and we help you level up fast so we can do…
  • This is a nice guide but I have another alt method which might be much faster n better than bows and arrows (I tried but my accuracy is horrible) or veno aoe, that is my genie skill's leaf dance..lol i dun rem the description but it is an aoe skill which cast damage around me if i stand in middle of the mobs ( cube of fate…