Thanks man.
Just super wallet sizesb:chuckle
Church must have a strange effect on you. You must be possessed!
I hope this was a joke I lol'd irl.
Yeah. Ever head of kiting? If a Bm uses that immune to movement skill, just jump around so when he stuns you, you get stunned in mid air. Which means if he is to hit you, he has to fly up and get you. Then when the 15 seconds of that skill are over, freeze/or sleep then wield, freeze/or sleep (Which ever skill you didn't…
Hi Astoru b:bye
Oh dear we have people running out of originality. Let me guess next thread will be good morning?
Amazing how many people give a sht about such a pointless thread. GG guys!
You must play there a lot because everytime I pm you, your "there" just not present on heavens tear.
ZOMG!! Astoru needs equipment advice?......Hi Astorub:thanksb:bye
Only one big one I can think of.
And having a wizard that is a Ulti ***** and boasts about his damage in the forums? Oh I better not say who he is but I think we can all guess.
Hampton...Heres my proof.
Wow this thread turned out to be 2 pages. -Pats everyone on back- :D
Don't underestimate people who are 3x. But since you made such a comment I pay attention and I have Vent. So ya you pick up on things.
Agreed. That makes sense.
You know there are some powerful factions there. But how do we know they are organized? I mean sure they could have loads of high levels, but have in-faction drama. That tears a faction apart. The faction that can get high levels and maintain a stable faction environment will come out on top.
Lol Nemesky got on my **** about it.b:surrender
FTW! The Pink Guy will rule for ever and here is our leader Forks
I would RageQuit the server b:surrender
Yea maybe I can get my 11th Post in before this is locked. But seriously these new threads are dumb. Keep doing it and they may call out the legendary BAN HAMMA!!!!!
ZOMG!!!!! How did you know >:O Your such a spy :P
Honestly who cares?
HI Fuzzy_Wuzzy b:bye
I will go demon for my Blademaster. Longer stuns and I love how our 2 spark ulti does more damage. And its just my gaming style.
In all there great skill I only see an Assassin be very good in 1v1s. I mean if they get into a 2v1=Dead (meaning they don't to stealth and run away). IDK just a thought. Might be interesting to see them in TWs.
Good job guys ;D
Lol. We are all noob. ;D
I am sure Resolve will be a factor. Just because everyone rushed to go into Infamy, Empire, and Aurora doesn't mean we will not be a "factor". We are all lvling around each other so we are very balanced in lvls.