Halocaust - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • ok guys first off chill. One thing pure dex and vit to me are on even ground. The only real difference is pvp vs pve. i went way off track with my build, went vit till lvl65 and then started dumping all into dex. Im lvl81 now and have no trouble what so ever tanking fb79 that i just got. Now yes my armor is either TT or…
  • well as for not being able to tank at lvl90 then you dont have good gear. im at lvl 81 and can tank and hold agro for all the boss's in fb79 with no probs. But i have Garnets and Sapphires in all my gear increasing magic def and phy def. All you need is a cleric and tanking at this lvl with no one but you and cleric is…
  • well if you dont want higher lvls pking you then dont hit the little blue botton!!!!!!!!!! i would pk ya in 2 secs flat!! its the way it is. get over it.