Item disappears in the moment you activate pilar in instance and all who are with you including you recieve quest Call of duty. You got the experience, you may not noticed but you got it. Also all in your party recieved a thing called Xenoblood (all exept you).
Molds here you can find all you need.
Thank to all replies here. Topic is not actual for me anymore, exept if someone needs my help. Passed it and dungeon is absolutely doable in norm group. But venomancer is most than required to have better 2.
btw luring bosses this way is flaw in developing of game, there is enough evidences of such malevolent behavior of smart_****_self_thinking_idiots who suppose this to be greatest possible fun. in fact boss shall lose agro to player who exits some predefined perimeter of it's initial patrolling path (for a difference of…
No, you shouldn't be banned for being evil, but taking quest mob so far from his initial location interfere in bad manner game experience of other players. As you may guess there wont be second Chi'in spawn until this one who you kite being killed or kill you and return to his initial patrolling area. So you cause…
Thanks a lot! 35K spi worth the effort.
Blobs, undines, flame looking thingies. From mobs lvl 20-29 is rare, at 30 becomes more common. Also *****-cat-like things that Arcosaur is covered drop it for about 3-5000 per piece.
it depending on level too, and for the level bracket OP is there is less need for any class of much healing and they still do not receive it when grouping with cleric. in level bracket where you are there more and more people become dependable on healing to survive, so they more and more will lick survived till there…
Call me in game. I will repeat quests with you. Some may do together, I left much of them undone since with 3 Dragonquest lines I reach fairly fast 28. b:victory