Hi ^^ ♥ your signatures, and i have a question What size do you make your sigs? Mine looks waaaaaay too small. Not requesting anything but dont think i dont like your creations b:victory
b:pleased IDK how to animate signatures But i am satisfied with my originals l l l l l V
I just color on photoshop. Most of the time it ends up a signature but yeah great idea PEACE
Tuesdays b:victory
oh sry wrong piece...... ummm go to the tower of darkness facing north. Go east to where is slopes and there should be some threatening message
I just stood on this bridge for a few seconds. b:victory
The 1st ones i got were the right ones
I remember Spicy Mushrooms are in Morning Star Valley (in the isle with the Tidebourne traiter) and she doesnt attack you Lady/Lacy whatever mushrooms are on the Bloody Beach b:embarrass thats all i remember
Hmmmmm..... Toughie Watch TV,Play PWI,Go to random PWI forums, Hug my pillow,laugh at other peoples pain, Photoshop (how i made my beautiful siggy),light stuff on fire,Eat,sleep,swim,pretend like i'm a ninja, stab my pillow, watch funny conversations in oblivion on youtube, pretend i like half my friends,eat some more,make…
I was just thinking about the mount carrying, my sister was an archer so she doesnt have unlimited flight.So i was going to carry her but it didnt let me.
It too bright for me, but then again i'm not the girliest girl in the world. But for someone who likes the cold and cute text of course. I made mine Purple and black because went along very well with my book the signature goes with. ^_^ *Btw i make mine using Photoshop CS3*
I make my own ^_~ luck to ya
pretty good for a beginner. Made this an hour ago.....I make mine using cool Fractals from and a nice main render to kind of blending effect. I like to use my main render as Cluds and my 2 main colors. luck ^_^
1.) If you have a Pickaxe (bought at a merchant), run around until you see Iron (just plain old Iron rock) 2.) Mine it OR Go to Archosaur (or any other capital city) and see if any Consigment shops have Pig Iron ☺
Basically,i honestly think Apothecary isnt even worth coins,searching,etc. most of the time, if you are too lazy to search for ingredients, You buy it. my friend spent over 20k on ingredients....lvl 5 :P not worth what it you loot potions all the time. why spend money making it. I think…
Made this one an hour ago 26 of 'em i'm crazed XD
Dad hates when i fill up files with Sigs so i just store them in Sample Pictures
btw hope this helped b:bye
From what i understand...... Open wedding packages. Get in a squad with person you want to marry. Go to MatchMaker and do what the Matchmaker tells you