But... mistakes happen b:chuckle so which one is it b:question
Now that the winners are posted, can you answer if the whisper was necessary for the winners to be chosen. Can someone win if they missed whispering but got to the shops first ?
Thank youb:thanks I hope there is hope for me yetb:surrender
Hello, thank you for the lovely event. I messed up the event by finding all the shops but not actually whispering the gm afterward b:cry If the whisper was only there to check who finished first, would it please be possible to make an exception in this case b:sad Is there other ways to know who got to all the 3 shops first…
I'll take a crack at it :P We peek on a test panel rating for mounts durability. No pixelated characters beyond this point. Grand Prix incorporates new racing styles to attract mainstream fans. Competitive riding occupational hazards. Just another day at the office. Take me to your leader Wall ! Meeting of the bird brains.…