Guardians - Harshlands Arc User


  • really? men a 12Mb video card cant run perfect world. well, i didnt see the minimum requirements for PW, but i doubt it can run with that, and probably de video card isnt the only problem, probably not enough ram too, and probably the cpu is too old too, go check the minimum requirements, and see if ur computer have it all…
  • well, a tank and a healer, work pretty well, but maybe for u guys is better stay together with cleric and archer, or veno and barb, or wizard and bm, that way u guys can do the quests since 1-19 lvl together, otherwise u guys can only quest together at lvl 20. its ur choice ^^ sorry my bad english b:laugh
  • if u didnt do ur fb29 yet, when u have tabs ask for a team, and tell them u need the painting, they will help u to get it, its really easy, u will see b:victory
  • eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh, let me see............... all of them b:chuckle
  • 1- when u drag the flying sword into the slot press E then will apear a new window with some buttos, then press the button wich say "fly mode" or something like that. 2-yes, u can buy more flying swords and fasters, or u can just upgrade it, for be faster. for buying a new sword u need to use gold(u can get this with real…
  • u need to drag it from ur inventory to a slot, the slot is on right side of the slots of the mp and hp charms b:laugh then u just press E and press the button to fly ^^
  • i like that ideia, and also think dolls, sucks, its not funny, if u lose and thing from u inventory and cant take it back, coz the other guys have dolls or u see a red name and wanna pk him, and when u do, he dont drop anything coz he have a doll, the point of this being a pvp server is pk the ppl who u want, and get drops…
  • well, i dont think BM's are weaks, all class are goods since we know how to use them, maybe venos have some advantages for now, coz of nixes, but b4 that, venos where a little weakers, and now thing are balanced, its true that we BM's need alot of time for rest when we are grinding, but in lvl 29, u will learn a skill that…
  • what she said... also, u only lose exp from lvl 10, around 5%, higher the lvl u are, the lower percentage u lose b:victory
  • no, u only buff who u wanna buff, thats up to u, but still what he said is not a big deal, just ignore, or pk him, its easy b:victory PS. u should resize de pic, GM's dont like them to bigs...
  • do u have the option for hibernate or suspend when the computer is stoped for along time, or something like that? coz if u do, is probably that and the internet conection is lost... sorry about my bad english, hope that could help... b:lipcurl
  • LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, ur leaving PWI coz u lost a fight? i bet u react like this when u had lost OMG, thats a game, learn it how to play itb:scorn
  • guess not, if u knew how to duel, u had win, instead u lost and now ur just QQ about it, just keep practicing and get better, the duel with him again... dont call noob to a person who just beat u on equal (dispite he is lower 4 levels then u) headshot, gratz and keep it, the weapons are all, remember that... sorry my bad…
  • [BUSTED....]b:bye
  • i really doubt that u can do fb29 and fb39 solo, even with herc, its already hard do solo fb29 and almost impossible to do the fb39, even for lvls 60 and u ur only lvl 4x atm... if u dont believe me, just try them and u will see... the fb29 isnt hard, but the boss is, so i may believe u can do it, but the fb39 i too hard…
  • I agree with him, u only do FB's if u want, no1 is forcing u to doing it, ur reward is exp and spirit and reputation, if u dont think is enough or not worth it, just dont do it b:beatup
  • u dont lose exp until u reach lvl 10, correct me if im wrong b:victory
  • u see alot of blue names, but blue names arent the problems...who leaves are the ppl who just arrieved at lvl 30 and are pked alot of times... im not againt PK. why? coz this is a PvP server, and i join it for coz of that, but im against the ppl who pk the same player over and over again in 10, 20 minutes, and dont let…
  • Well, not every1 can talk english perfectly, so if u dont like it or can't read it, go to other post where u can... u probably are from a country who talk english, so its easy for you, thats not my case, i can talk it right, but spell it wrong, but i still have the right to post anything i want, if u dont like it, get…
  • Well i think u guys are both wrongs at some points and right at others. about pk'ed all lvl30 i dont say for stop it, coz i know we are on pvp, but it happen sometimes in my guild, that one was trying to questing and couldnt coz since she killed a mob, the pker was already behind her for killing her like 5 times, then,…