Grounpounder - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I am a big fan of light armor in 2lvls 2str 2dex 5mag 1vit shard armor for evasion and weapon for PD. make armor and stuff with magic bonus and your weapon is close to arcane but u are the most flexable and independant toon in the game have fun!b:pleased PS if it says miss miss miss you are doing it right, and if they miss…
  • b:pleased I am leveling as I complete all magic skills current, rather than running up level as quick as I can, so I am at each level a wile could u be a little more exzact as to were the forges in Archosaur are, PLEASE {;-).... P. S. Anyone wana buy a Genie. LOL b:victory
  • power ups sold at auchion bring good value plus they are used up and soon need more