I stack IH for them to run in. But if they don't get all agro, they're on their own. You go ahead and attack while being healed :D but once you do attack and don't take all agro, my healings stop.
I had a sin who decided that she wanted to run in and tank all the bosses. I was fine with it and could keep up, but she wasn't grabbing all the agro, so she kept dying and yelling at me. I told her the same thing every time, "I'll heal you and keep you alive you just have to take all agro". I sorta like it when there's…
Nevermind. AFter flying back and forth about 5 times, it suddently appeared in the elder's quest list.
Awesome :O I expected that I would need hp stuff down the road... but most of the HP stuff you can get adds more than the vit you add anyway. And I never expected to just level healing or support skills solely O.o' I expected to level both, and do. xD I just figured FAC was a name for a build is all :O
Lawl. Okay :3 that explains it more than people going into threads and freaking out saying "You're NOT FAC or FSC!" without reasoning. So then I'll just call it.................. Int build T.T boring.
Mrvate wins :O I'll go garnet.
so until high level, I should go citrine?
I know that. but how much physical defense is it exactly? is it worthwhile. If I dont' have any HP to backup the phys def. is it still worth it?
Hmm. does the garnet actually make you live longer though?