ummmm I never go answers from 2 months ago...... Since ur here can u respond to what kanto said calling us cheaters?
actually I have. Frankie keeps Quoting a PM from 2 months ago that I raged to him. saying I listened. He never replies. want me to prove it wait for 10 daysb:victory
lol? Not even my point. meant the comments.........he actually responds to people b:surrender
Actually I am one of the people in everyone's sig tyvmb:bye Try harder This bump is for Airyll
Ty....Quote is in sig now :3
You know I actually said something like this in the 106 page thread which wont be named. It would be cool to try to get in contact with like spoons and get him to be admin
- I got this link fro msn chat not sure.....Spoons?
Didnt u get the news flash people are only banned for speaking about how bad the job frankie/mods are doing. flames are welcomed via these mods gms now. they just ignore it like ever PM they get
most epic thread ever....I really hope people too SS of it QQ
at least she did her job better than these twob:surrender
Frankie killed it when he asked ary to step down for these two mods v.v
+6 123456
bumping to keep this thread up where it should beb:victory BTW Nefarious no showed 3 factions 4 factions had no chance to win. The rules state that is against the rules so therefore they should be banned for a week
bumping for a response from shelly pls
DP but I dont care Shelly locked a thread comparing FW to PWI, but she mentioned FW in her welcome post. Shouldnt that mean that thread should have been locked(Source Hamsta)
If a thread turns to flame it should be locked. Threads she has locked on the first night(HT threads about TW etc) wasnt warranted a lock. If she actually KNEW what was flaming and wat was normal conversation like she stated "I have been on these foums for over 2 years" or something along that line. She also stated "I know…
Not to mods; This should be in the harshlands section pls move k thnx
anyone else notice grim hasnt posted in god knows how long? So basically we went from 3 mods to back to 1.......
Wraith was banned for "Insulting mods in PMs, when he asked about A; Grim's cyber thread B; Shelly's remarks in new mods thread C; kanto insulting(ironic isnt it) remarks in the TW Rules Thread if ANYONE thinks different I will show u the PMsb:kiss(in PM of course, but sadly not till October 14th(or 13th) idk)
- move this thread but keep a thread that was nerco'd smart move......
You know since they changed it to mirages been thinking wat if they change the reward to like 50 anni packs lol
this get her banned and they still have yet to ban chaotic for thread that wont be named.....I will laugh at the fail GM frankie is
UR right GM(GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGM) arent. Frankie isnt a normal G(GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG)M. He is THE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCM for the company. It is HIS JOB to give up info. It is his JOB to talk to us. it is his JOB to listen and not ignore our ideas on how to make the game better or…
actually frankie said he has gathered 2 months of TWs in the TW thread
Nefarious no showed 2 lands. Read Bold
I.......Love you...+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 internets
Pretty much this
We caused DQ reduction? thought that was the chinese? we farmed TT? isnt that what TT is here for to farm TWIGHT TEMPLE gear and weapons(and yes make money) We said GMs we want mirages instead of coins? The 90% NOs in the anni pack discussion/poll actually meant yes leading to packs weekly/permanent now? oh.....didnt know…