Not really a mad dash TBH. Time was ticking down (which was to our advantage), their crystal was ticking ( as seen by the close crystal kills ) so afaik Tao just went all or nothing at the end. Those of us defending just couldnt get them off the crystal in time or delay them long enough that theirs died first. ( Their…
After a bit of thought it seems that this topic is nothing short of the OP trying to influence the bidding on HT by using veild threats. " If you have an alt in a guild that bids on us we will submit ticket after ticket to try to get you banned ". So maybe we should all submit a ticket about the OP and his Factions actions…
So are you saying people use their alts in other " lesser " TW's factions to try and influence the leaders of said Factions to attack the same Guild as their mains are ? If that is the case then we have a saying here. " People in glass houses should'nt throw stones " Since I know a few members of Tao with alts in others "…
If your worrying about which one to kill you are in FF for to long .. Get off the hypers and go do something else.
Afaik its on the cards in PW-CN than sparking knocks the Sin out of stealth mode
Maybe better posting in the technical thread for a definate answer.
TBH whatever happens either way might not prove a thing, since both Factions are still at the mercy of other bids. And Yes boredom is bad ... You're starting to sound like a Movie Voice over man b:laugh
Ok thanks. I knew our Forum Vote was going that way, so must have Tao's lol
They bid early ?
Yes Its the same reason they changed Decomping 3*
Players !! Non-Cser's leave > Servers merge > CSer's get bored on 1 or 2 servers with small population > Cser's leave > Game over
That might be true .. but since 10mil note > DQ items this move is a small drop in the ocean to reduce inflation ( once again thats not the reason they have done it ). + Gold will never drop below 200k again + They keep forcing the gold price up with pack after pack after pack It is from the Dev's in China. They changed…
/InB4 " Sorry guys we have spoken to the Dev's and as much as we and they value the players concerns we will be unable to change this "
Lol Find out WHY the drops were changed in PW-CN, it has nothing to do with whats good for inflation and more to do with > The Devs couldnt be bothered to fix the problem so went for the easy option. So yeah they might not be making decisions " just like that " but they are also not thinking them through.
The DQ price change was made on PW-CN due to people haxing Instances for the drops .. It has nothing what so ever to do with " Awwww the kind Devs want to lower inflation " /thread
Kinda feel sorry for the GM's since most of the time it's not their call so they probs doing what I would do and hiding lol BUT They seriously need to: A) Start slapping the Dev's/bosses around who seem intent on killing the game B) Start looking after what players they have left before they have no one to look after…
Dont forget also Nirvana drops are nerfed > Since you can get them from packs Lunar drops are nerfed > Since the gear is in packs FF has no mat drops > Since gear is in packs Have I missed anything ?
Gotta love the logic TBH. Lower players ability to earn coins ingame > Hoping they charge $ to sell for coin. Apart from one small point. If no one has coins and everyone is charging $ ... Who the **** is going to buy the gold ? Im sure we will have the usual BS that its about " Reducing inflation and lowering gold prices…
Decreased DQ sell cost Increased NPC buy cost Hmmmm Next weeks Patch: b:shutup Why ragequit to a game by the same company ? When 6 months down the line it will be the same as this one ... Oh those poor fools on BoI dont know what they getting in to b:chuckle
Maybe they changed it because people from PW-Mars where haxing the NPC's and getting cheap/pots gear b:shutup. Seriously starting to get lame in the attempts to force people to charge $
That is a big issue though. Alot of new players are not going to charge $ just to get coin .. So if they cant grind coin and dont want to charge $ they will leave and find another game.
Coin sinks are pointless when PWI themselves inject 10mil coins at a time with 2 Tokens of best luck. All the sinks do is **** over those who dont charge $
As most people already know the DQ price was lowered by the Dev's because of people haxing the Instances for them on the Chinese version . Now afaik that isnt a problem in this version, so there is no reason for the -20% to be carried over to here. Im sure you already know yourself that drops after a certain level are…
x2 drops are good for PWI but bad long term for players. TBH its a clever marketing plan. Increase inflation of ingame items by injecting coin from outside game sources ( Tokens of best luck ), then add x2 drops to reduce players ability to earn coins ingame to afford the new higher prices = makes them more likely to swipe…
Heaven/Hell mobs give bad drops since by level 90+ you are not supposed to be earning money by working ingame .... you're supposed to be charging Zen b:chuckle
Nah Its roughly Translated " Cash Shopped killed the game " True but not anything we havent known for a few months Edit: I do kinda agree with one point though and thats since PWI has made this game Gear > Skill, and the acquisition of said gear is now about buying it rather than earning it, they might aswell add it all as…
Not the point. Doesnt work with IE so once again shoddy work by PWI
The next x2 drops should Imo only include " World mobs " . TT/Nirvana/Lunar/Fb's shouldnt be included since the market is already saturated with drops.
Leave -int the same and this ^^
Submit a SS and ticket. But sadly the GM's are pretty lenient on this game, so worst that will happy to him is slapped wrist and days ban.