Glenglorian - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Ahhh, thank you!! This guide has answered my basic questions... I couldn't find anywhere else whether I could go through with all 4 crafting professions... Now I know, I am able to do all 4.....crafting has always been a part of MMO's that I like doing, sometimes, just to take a break from the grind or questing or…
  • So, if one wants to do an "FB" at their 9's, is is necessary to join a squad/Faction? Or is their a solo level to do these? And, are the FB's necessary to be completed to advance one's character in the game? Thanks!! :)
  • Ahh, well, the game is still too fun to give up over a constant left-clicking :P And sure is nice to know about falling, but not dying.... I had to search that tree 3 times before I was able to get the stuff from the chest, because I flew back down when it looked like I was running out of mana :P Thank you for your prompt…
  • I just started the game after seeing an ad....nice, addictive little game! Thank you for posting this guide, there's some good information here... Now, for the embarrassing question.... Is constantly left-clicking on the terrain, or clicking on the mini-map the only way to move my character with a mouse-button? In other…