Wow so you think your perfect eh....thanks for your comment anyways i will just ignore it.b:chuckle
Kolwin is the best pvp/pk pet. Period.
Sometimes you get 10% extra xp, sometimes 10k extra coins and mostly you get the standard 100k xp.
I dont really agree with swiftlikeafox. Sure, the Kowlin has some bad stats but its skills more than make up for it. Its a great puller and the BEST pk/pvp pet. It tears through robe classes like anything. Flesh ream 4 + bash keeps the aggro easily if ur grinding. I only use two land pets, Kowlin is one of em. About the…
You'll have a batter chance of getting hays until about lvl 30. If you're in a hurry, you can always buy them. Plenty of shops in archasaur sell them. If you're really lucky, you might find someone selling hays for 5-6k each. Worst case is 10k each.
Sometimes you need to kill very few, sometimes lots. It all depends on your luck. Keep wasting them :D
We rock. We're the best :D
Turtles drop hay - 5.1% chance Rhinodrake megaliths (purple rhinos), west of Archosaur - 14.7% chance Antelope pup, south of silverpool - 22.7% chance