Then lysing should be changed cause it reads that it blows up more then one plant but that's not possible atm. That would sadly be incorrect as i have tried this several times >.< Lysing only affects its users plant(s) so the only effective way to multi blast multiple plants would be... A: summon -> lysing -> summon ->…
Does -> Game Health Blessing Slot now removed. Frostcovered City reverted to mat farming instance. Put back previously removed gold cap of 1 million coins. <- Mean people can no longer charge an insane 1mil plus to trade for gold/coins?
your third con mention of the mystic is true to all classes to one degree or another, any skill is better at higher levels. After all barb skills are quite demanding with sp and coin to lvl period.
Sarrafeline, EG's period cannot use not but their designated weapons, aka seeker swords mystics magic's, the EG's period cannot use bows.
Ahem first off I'd like to start by saying a class is only as good as how you develop it! Second lets tart with this, every class has a role to play that said they are also similar to real life fighting styles so here is a quick wip of that. Barb -> shock-trooper = heavy hitter - burn's out quick. BM -> soldair = balanced…
I have submitting a ticket asking the staff two things, 1 why they ether don't have the agent's in the game yet or why they are horribly hidden, 2 why the event button was removed fromt eh encyclopedia. I find both things need to be answered given that quest popping up then vanishing and the other being a very important…
Agreed, looks nice to just wish we could get going already D: I want to start my runecrafting training lol.
No I just don't leek when things fail, especially since the mods didn't seem to have luck to fix the last 2x event when it broke to work for everyone. This time it will only last a few days so it break then boom lose out no chance to get in on it. Plus I am still very miffed about the jungle ruins, bloody thing still not…
Well sorry but i am both tired and hate clocks that don't simply say 0:00 from 1-12 not 1-24 I wouldn't be surprised though if this 2x bombs as bad as the last one though, lots of people complained it wasn't affecting them. Only really different is the time span this one will last.
The in world clock begs to differ, 2010-11-24 13:32
The 2x event is around 25 minutes in already and i am seeing nothing! average exp spirit and possibly less loot then normal. I am lucky to get loot it seems at the moment and even then its nil in amount, like 100 or so coins and possible 1 random loot. I hope you can fix this soon because during the last 2x event i only…
It probably will! Over Halloween people pumped up gold trading on lost city by 100,000 to 300,000 coins! Average gold rates on lost city have been anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 something coins but over Halloween if lucky it was 500,000 unlucky then it was over 600,000 And personally I do NOT think any of the items we…
Well I think they just ripped us, I got some pigments from that so unless items with "Unable to be traded" on them can be sold in the through the auctioneer then we cannot do anything selling wise with the items from this system.
They should keep the x2 going until they fix it so EVERYONE can enjoy, its just not fair if like 15 out of 1,000,000 players get to enjoy the 2x event. However one absolutely annoying side affect of the 2x which is not happening like it should is player shop's have raised prices and gold trading values have sky rocketed…
I do not think its working, I have been on a lot over the last few days and gotten no 2X anything, average loot exp everything. The only x2 I HAVE seen though is insane price inflation for gold trading and player shop prices.
Um question, why does the maintenance always seem to partially overlap with some events? I was in the middle of the weekly event for today and was kicked on account of server maintenance.
At least its nice to see a few people being nice about this topic instead of trashing it. Alphae got the idea right along a good guess as to good/evil and at least _DarkSeph_ was nice enough to support the topic instead of trashing it while starfever also got it right on the purpose of this topic as well. edit---- Also…
Go back and read my second post on page 1, it explans the use of that line better! If you don't like the topic then don't post its that simply!
Those two words mean two different things so no picking up abandoned loot isn't stealing because no one owns it x3 I don't know why but loads of people love walking off leaving coins all over the ground. Sometimes that's the easiest way to tell someone has been there, the coins they chose to leave lol.
Two things, 1 do not flame its not allowed, you do not like the topic then don't post! 2 Read my second post on this topic it answers some of the already repeated questions.
1: You set loot to free not random and don't pick it up during fights then allow squad members to pick what they want. 2: Its very bad in a number of ways, one you are quested to kill something for this or that which is given at random, someone stealing the kill means you don't get it thus costing you who knows how much…