in under 5mins i can get all quests and stack them so that part dismmised 2nd) its higer lv ppl i see camping the herbs and teh red trinity gives 150 contri 3) ppl arent killing mobs anymore as u can stack then run aroudn and coolect more quests in under 5mins i HAV timed this already 4) the lower lv ppl still end up…
to all u nubs who leave ONE thing out of account..U NEVER SEE SINS IN PK when ur atking ANOTHER person they pop up and atk ub:angry as a ARCHER my damage is reduced at close range an cuz of their pralyze and stun AD wont hold as i hav tested this wit lv 10 AD as Legand he knws its tru sins are never the one targeted it…
hav u seen fpw on xtreme thats balnce with the rite skil u cna beat any1 but not here oh no nixes are a cash shop item fist cant do much damge unless they are properly geared and wat skill do u need as sin?? now lets see if they had teh shadow escape but cant atk in in that woudl b fair but the constant stealth should b…
scewed any way and it was kinda cheaper 2 get oracles via the in 2 buyin the oracles
MAYBE u all didnt realize that u get oracles wit tokens as well the long run or short ...oracles will b there wit themon new server so WELCOE NEW FCKED UP SERVER RT's brother in screwed upness* then ppl jsu hyper an THERE lv90's in 1 week
YESH i dob:pleased cuz i hav nottin else 2 do wit the game b:surrender
then i hav a ticket to send inb:surrender cuz i was blu named
with the implementation of the school rings, rank badges are now.....worthlessb:cry
↑wtf is that?? there isnt any quest that gives THAT much rep i knw they give like 10max per quests but WOOO Hooo u still have 193k to get....b:surrender so all in all quets are meaninless and the gears from quests above lv7 isnt as gud as TT
kk i see b:surrender geez u ALL dont hav 2 atkme b:chuckle i understand lolz
how would it b unbalance?? Sage gets free chi and demon jus removes chi thats not balanced Gain and Remove?? balance is gain and steal
aaaah...wta grindin?? dont think ppl do that anymore cuz we hav TT for money as the amount of nub lv 80+ mats will b in demand so that money there so the GMS needs to improve the coin give out abd exp and rep and rewards,,,,a mirage clestones isnt worth 90 mobs
well that also a prob...rep as the rewards arent that gud unles its r6 which is almost makes no sense in gettin and on PVE server..its boring as **** ESPECIALLY this 1 where all the pussies stay in sz an an spam 4 FC all day and bh so its really borin and to some extent PVP servers are the same
as soon as i start a quest...i dont want to continue and i jus trash it
aaw they not ugly...they jus look **** as hell *lolz @ butterfly wings*
flyin all class FTW but wat about an amphibious mount?? cuz honestly i HATE dismounting , cross river then remount
do u knw wat r4 belt gives?? an is it worth it i hav the Chrono sash on completion on Chrono culti
made a lil error there is y CANT they use slingshotsb:surrender an raise the rep on quests plz
hhm that actually a gud idea give them a use not atkin or buffing but jus as a looter would b gr8
but hwo will the gms make money?? they put all those mats in boutique 4 a reasonb:laugh
thats a shatty way of doin i see y the game is loosin more ppl rather than gaining Hypers and FC...would love to see u hyper at 6x -.- they are goin about it ALL wrong if thats their intentions and FC is ment as a grindin place.. quest are in the game 4 a reason
but in the end it ruined the fun of the game...a hard worker lvs really high...hey thats an acheivement but now it to easy so the hypers and fc was a really bad idea its game...after cheating to get things becomes boring fast...imagine Fable if u had all godl and all skills w/o doin any isnt fun, jus…
PLZ ENOUGH CLASSES **** man geez we still missing out a HUGH **** of TB implementations an i dotn want new classes i want better skill, cleric self rez and ALL the glitches fixed and also a redoing of the graphics...they are atrocious plus better quests no more classes PLZzz
lolz #2 FTW i type fast so when that happens i see 8 boxes and the hotkey rest button also i almost left guild cuz of that crapb:shocked
a total revamping of TW maps would b gr8 as suggested on MANY occasions* waits 4 implementation* make it more strategy based to that not jus raw power can prevail so make it that we actualkly hav to think..instead of the never dieng strategy..RUSH LANE B!!! uh oh i sold out like EVERY TW guilds strategy there b:shocked pwi…
if u all haven't realized... 1)devs just want us to reach higher lvs faster so that we need more coin an more stuff to make up on all those important stuff we missed out as u can just buy some zhen, sell it and TA-DAH u buy ur gears b:victory 2) the game is already spoiled as oracles fcked it up THEN we have hypers....that…
thats the problem i dont have a credit card so i jus wasted hours of my time in vain i can SS my profile on Offerpal now i cant get it...thanks..b:angry
sadly for my region there is only that one available
same where did it go??