I lol'd at that.
Personally I have holy path and it comes in handy for avoiding some mobs. I used it to get away from a couple mobs in nightscream, but it takes up 400 stamina, so load those chi stones up and put them right in. :P
Yes, that's true and that's also a reason why some of the mobs run back. (:
Wow, I can't believe some of the people that play this game. Especially when they don't get their way. I'd say, screen shot the incident and send it in for harassment because that's really the only thing you can do. Unless you blacklist and then everything should be fine. But when you're there first, you've got first dibs…
They don't force you to buy it with inrl money. There's a way to buy gold, among other things. Some people even pay you boutique items for helping them do certain things, if you're lucky. But the best choice is save up money in game, and buy the things you want. But the things that bother me in the cash shop is how some of…
Wooo, I agree. I lol'd.
It's the power of tha almighty Jesus.
Lulz. That's humor right there.
I would assume the faster mount.
Aww. I bet it was fun, too bad I'll most likely be in TT while you do the event for west coast servers. D:
The random invites and whispers going. "Oh, so I've seen you're factionless.." Or, "You should really join -insertfactionnamehere-, we really need you!"
Haha. I'm slow.
aha, i get it.
Sure wont be able to. They get away with all, or wont consider it harassment.
-facepalm- You're always thinking dirty. rofl
Phoenix? I totally read that wrong the first time. e.e
Hey, it's Mike. o:
Rofl, oh noes. D:
I want a patch tonight, new stuff. Pleaaaaase? o: You guys DID make us wait a week.
Always giving them a hard time. xD Always!
Pretty much, right?
Let it all begin.
Tons of people will probably come here and QQ about this.
What brought this on, AGAIN?
Wrong place to post this. Post it on Guild Banter. (:
Just go get justice quests.
Blade, stop stalking me. Restraining order!
The cat has it all!
What the heck. I've never seen that, but I'm sure somebody has that's interesting.
HAI BLADE. ;D <3 b:kissb:bye