FunkyP - Lost City Arc User


  • Supremely clever, my fine unknown classer of the PW forums. Now how about a srs biznz answer before I gotta Q_Q all over the floor and ruin the pretty new carpet that we put in?
  • I'm genuinely surprised that people didn't flame this thread. I thought for sure I'd see all the posts involve some insult or the word noob, but alas, none of that. b:chuckle Now my own two cents: I've heard that certain 10x barbs have begun to pump more dex than usual, and thus they can actually wear the most up to date…
  • Instead of having a shot fired directly at the player getting healed, why not have the archer point the healing shot up at the sky, and gently let the shot come down on the person. It could then have some cool light effects and make it all serene looking to add a suitable visual part to the healing.
  • Ah, yes, silly me! Let's have all our archers run around with gear that requires as much money as a car, and let's use fists while we're at it. Brilliant idea.
  • So with the price of getting the skill books now, would it be worth it to load up on both books now? Both of them seem pretty dandy, and their cheapness is awfully enticing at the moment.
  • If they do make head gear, then they should also make a military helmet, like the ones that the Americans used in WWII. Then the Barbs can wear them and be even more of a tank than before. :P
  • I have consulted the almighty master of the universe (myself) and I have created a few easy steps to solve your problem: Step 1: RAAAAAGE Step 2: RAAAAAGE a bit more Step 3: Enjoy your totally awesome level 100 barb that can tank every boss and his mother b:chuckle Step 4: ????? Step 5: PROFIT!!! b:pleased Honestly though,…
  • After reading through this guide and every page that follows, I must say I'm rather proud of myself b:pleased Even without much in the way of help in-game or from guides, I still haven't made any significant errors in my overall archery-ness up to this point *ignores my 12 mage*. However, I do have to thank you for…