This is my wall!!! go find your own.
Oh S*** here comes Bubba. Everone drop your pants and asses to the sky
Everyone want a turn
Lets se that replay again.. Smak you hit the wall
Does my **** look big in this wall
the wall of shame.....
Everyone getting high on some thing. i guess this is the new high now..
Oh my, are they going to sing Dech the wall...
How many people does it take to get stuck in the wall.......Just 4 and everyone laughing
The 4 asses in the wall. Ready....Aim....Fire. it was so bad that the most power GM died. PWI was never the same again. it was the worst battle in the history of the
And here's your priz a BRICK WALL...
Tetris gone totaly wrong.....LMAO
Well who won the race. I don't know. I think it's a brick finish though
I'm stuck and we can't get out...HEEeeelp!!!!!
Were off to see the Wizard. Following the red brick wall..
Don't look now, but here comes Dvorak. Maybe he doesn't see us. All right you for who did it.......
Must there are always be smart **** in this game.
Dvorak the GM says. Stick your nose in the wall.....
Another nose in the wall
Last rights. Anyone have anything to say before exacution is caried out............
Which one of you asses that did it
Awww, Acid trip gone horribly wrong
This is the Fujimo show. Where we talk about everything about PWI. And on todays show, We have a very speacial guest. He's here to tell you about a very speacial quest. That you can do and make million's of dollars sitting right a home on your computer. And here to tell u about it is GM of PWI Dvorak. Welcome Dvorak,…
Now thats what i call a wall noser.
I wounder if any one can see me.
Which way did he go george, which way did go. i know you know george.
I wounder if anyone "assed" about me yet.
"Taking care of business, its ok. Taking care of business and working overtime. WORKOUT!!!!
Taking care of business"
"Follow the leader"