ive tried out pets with boost before, i noticed that the pets have to be standing still in order for it to work.. i tried while running = no cast while sending it to a mob = no cast even when i was still, but the pet was returning to me from killing a mob and still no cast only when the pet was still did it work for me..…
thankyou very much demise! that was a very well written post. see, i came from a game where pvp was set from factions, so it wasnt you vs everyone, at minimal there was some allies around leveling just as you were, (think wow, alliance vs horde). ive never played a free for all type of pvp game, so i was hesitant to roll…
that was the ultimate redemption post, i take back what i said about the troll comment. i think that is exactly what i needed to see, i kinda figured that noguilds would be easy pickings, and kos lists would be around but i wasnt sure if it was as brutal is the 'rumors' make it out to be. thankyou for the nice reply!
- scroll down to the Grimalkin section, its the King Grimalkin, starting lvl 42, click the name for a picture of the mob =)
well, i hope a non-troll can give me a decent answer to this..