The pig can't go in instances? I'm loving my nix in instances now b:victory
Just do the new pet instance to level pets. WAY faster.
Got 100k and 1 mill (plus the 820k for CS quest). Probably low percent to get 10 mill.
Also if your faction has a base the mobs in the base are great for leveling herc. Took a few days to get to 101 in there just get base buff send herc around the room gathering all mobs bring him back 1 noxious gas rinse and repeat. b:laugh
The quest for the sword is Return to town. A purple quest were u had to kill Viriddis Stormhorn. Level 7 stones on RT go for 200-300kish. U need 4 to make a level 8 so roughly 1 mill per stone. Your going to outlevel the sword so quick I'd just stick with flawless (level 7) till endgame.
You can trade Nirvana Talisman for 5 subs a day (do 2 BH get 15 subs a day). I do this on days I don't have time to caster nirvana.
Got my herc to 101 finally now 33,334 more mobs till 102 b:cry While my mystic I just resummon it. I know its not a pet but still give us some 2x pet exp pill or something.
I do it with my 101 AA veno for my alts and faction mates from time to time. Probably average 100k off my charm and plenty of pots (especially bishop boss). Takes around 1 hr to 1.5 hr. But at 80+ it would take forever even with a herc.