They're saving the best for last u can bet on that.Most people don't have patience so they settle temporarily for something nice but not the best then when the best comes out they get it logical way of marketing and profit for PWI.So patience,it will all come out in due time.
That was something I considered as well.Herc holds agro well with pounce but not as good as with bash.Though trowing the DooDo like stun from pounce away doesn't seem like a good idea,nor any of its other skills XD. The only time I have a problem on holding agro is when im fighting high level bosses with my herc lower…
As it appears.The hercule thus can do very well in TT to the point of being able to make you alot of coins. However in TT u can't level fast like u do with grinding can u? If you can't do that in TT,it's hercule=fast money gainer.Phoenix=Fast Exp gainer.
Good luck raising 150-170 million coins anytime soon.
Neither do I so I don't get it.Anybody else know?
Estimate 300$ for both pets.about 150-175$ each The price is still insane but it's nowhere near 800$ for both.
Sleep well indeed GM's cause ull be sure to get a tons of complaints for the price of the battlepet pack if it exceeds 50 silver.And that's including me >.< cause even at 50 silver it would cost a fortune.
+30 % attack damage for those who can easily pay for power with real life $.No tnx and u can rest assured im not complaining because I dont use cash shop,because I do use it.
Certainly using a Guardian HP Charm makes it a helluva lot easier to not using hp potions because the mobs dies already without your hp charm having to tick twice.So in one way a veno would save more then other classes is in mp potions seeying the 5 minute cooldown on the mp recharge skill almost coincides with the slow…
I don't know how u make that many coins.I'm nearly lvl 60 and i'm at an all time low in coins,even lower then my blademaster counterpart.I spend tons on normal skills,tons on pet skills(200k+ each) then during grinding I burn through both hp and mp potions,it's not like the skill to recharge it is usable every 30…
Before everything I'd just like to say that I wish Clawfinger nothing but goodness for his future. Being part of the Shadow family I have to say Illusion is right.Clawfinger is just a disgruntled member who loved our group as much as we did. Don't let this incident change your mind about how nice it is to being in…
Don't know if you noticed but there are Shadow,Shad0w,TheShadow etc all over the place.I guess there's no need to tell u which one is the original XD
Burjis said: "Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally." By area, I don't mean attack damage or defense or something like that. Venos are the best in many aspects of the game (like fbs, grinding, pulling, money making, solo TT runs, ...) and they are still great in many other areas (like TW, duels…
Not really.Silkroad Online shows their total player base.Also some silkroad websites show how full each server is at a specific time of the day. like 2500/3000 that's useful for knowing when people can login. Yes,in perfect world u can actually login for free:O in other games u don't have that luxury.
1 winner per server?Weak GM's just weak,pass it along.You're already getting a ton of revenue increase on people more tempted to buy some Gold cause of the event and now your greed goes so far as to only give 1 person per server a chance to win a DS-Lite. Start making worthy events,u know the ones that benefit non-cash…
Can't believe it actually took that many hits.I mean how many does it take to kill a veno?As much or waayyy less then that.That's like 5 hits or something.A veno certainly can't live through 5 hits of an archer(not counting bramble guard from which u can run away)
Raptors can be spurred but it's max speed is still 10 m/s I think.A midnight has the same max speed of 10 m/s at lvl 11.So what sets them apart besides looks? The midnight is a limited edition mount that means it value will only increase in time while the Raptor is cash shop which means it value stays ~ the same. Anybody…
Whatever the outcome I wish the best of luck to all participating guilds and remember it's about fun not having an bigger Mojo.
Well u could get some nice prizes if you save them up.There are various special mounts u can get like that or some molders. If you mean a payoff after every individual DQ I would say no.Mosz is right in the money-time wise way but it is certainly worth it exp-time wise.However till at least lvl 60 u should have no problem…
There are indeed many factions,some good.Few however are great.The great ones usually also have either a non-veno recruitment policy or they demand veno's to be of high level(60+) I see that u are a veno which makes it harder to get into a great guild because alot of people are playing veno's.U can choose to settle for a…
Burijis Said; "What is balance in a game? Its that if some class is VERY strong at someting it must SUCK at another thing. Can you name 1 area that the venos suck at?" Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally.However all are good in different things and veno's are just the ultimate hybrid class.
hmmm interesting.Might any of you mind posting the info on those "tests" in regards to the critical % chance? Tnx.
In a way I agree Jrudura,it can become a self-fulling prophecy.Seeying as he is still in his 1X lvls I think there's also another possibility. My first character I created was an archer,I got so bored of his skills(I used to play xbow in silkroad online) that I just thought the whole game was boring and pointless. But…
lvl 52 Right now.Not once Have I had the need to really "grind". Hitting the find quests buttons,doing the dragon quests,the daily stone quests etc it leveled me up without the need of any questless grind.To be honest that saddens me as I used to play a hardcore korean grindfest game called Silkroad Online.In another way I…
Sooo...The Phoenix is not overpowered against the heavy duty classes. But u say it's overpowered against the Mages.Not saying you're wrong just the Mages are already without the phoenix the worst 1 vs 1 pvp class.Kill or be killed.Mages will still be as effecient in good organised PK and still be as effecient in TW.The…
I just want to add something else that might be interesting to players who are on the edge to join a guild. This guild also has a group of high levels farming in The Twilight Temple,from which they try to gather TT-mats or weapons for guildmembers to use.This might be interesting for you if you are between 40-60 seeying as…
I would like for anybody to rebut my points As for the amount needed for the Phoenix I agree.Whatever people want to pay for it should be the price.Though I don't expect that should be over 50$.
I played that game too.And indeed it was a great idea.In one way Im actually glad they don't have it for perfect world.The reason for this is because they charged 5$ to have it every month.That is actually an item I wanted more badly then I do the Charms in Perfect World. So if you do get a pickup pet.Please for godsake…
Not that im cricising sage but can I ask why you're asking in another post which is best and stating in this one which is?
Do u plan to spend alot of cash in item mall?If your answer is no,then roll a Venomancer,It can be a damage dealer,a "semitank" in Foxform with close debuffs.And offcourse it has pets,the downside is u can only choose a female. For all the others they are what they seem.Cleric is support but can solo rather nicely compared…