This event just made me lol, and really i actually laugh out loud when i read how it work. People were beging for coin sinks so the best idea they got was make the people who dont have much coins take a risk and loose 10m and get absolutly nothing and the people that have ton of coins get the SOT cheaper or get nothing…
I think u can get a good idea about the state of the game rigth now reading about what is currently happening on the game.
dude i just lost any kind of respect i could had for u. Censor one idea doesnt mean being constructive, and if u do what u just claim to do (edit/delete post) that support one idea u are no different from the people that made the policy to lie new players about this game. Its a fail try anyway cosidering that any people…
You guys are missing a very important point on most of the suggestions, PWI get feed with the catshopper, not with the F2P players. They will never do any move that involved benefit F2P and be bad for csers. The idea of getting 20 or 30 tokens instead of 15 its possiblle the best one as directly increase benefit of csers,…
Could u explain any workaround step by step? Cause i got the same case than OP, ive launched using the elementclient.exe, the game did the update, I was able to log on the game, then i had to close it. Now it ask for arc it doesnt matter from wich .exe i try to launch the game (element or patcher its the same). i would…
Guys, just dont bother on reply Auerlius QQ threads, it doesnt matter what u tell him meanwhile u dont agree with him he will not listen to u. In case u hadnt noticed he make threads that are supposed to talk about something and then he always get in charge to move the subject to his basic points, he isnt OP anymore so is…
I totally agree that this game is dying and has reached the point that every single thing is going to be going down as it has been since near 8 months already, but my ETA for the game closing is much longer than just 6 months. This game still have a lot of people that pay insane amount of money on a game that has no…
Starry, im one of the people that is going to quit after this epic fail from our inepts GMs. Please let the people know on faction what the reason i hadnt logged on game after the maintenance. I was hopping they give us a true answer to the problem but the GM decide to spit on our face with those hypers and im not the kind…
Many people say that 1 image worth more than 1k words so i better made a video ^^. After i read this post and see so many people doing their apport but not much real numbers i decide to take my old g15 morai dual swords from my bank and record me while doing my morais and BQ. I basically first went to the Fire Eaters parts…
TYVM for the info. So basically those weapons are like the typical Dreamchaser pack Royal+5 weapon but that u can use them from lvl1 and much better looking. Anyone that have lvl an alt know those weapon are good enough to use till lvl60s and its at those lvls that u get enough stats to use a G16 or rrr9 weapon, even for…
Do u got any screen of the stats? I guess those will have to be compared with the dreamchaser pack weapon. Anyway, if u take precaution on save the morai exp pills+bh2 orbs u will get the stats u need to use ur end game weapon inmeditaly. But they do look very nice =)
So basically u get 10 stats but u loose the stats from ur current till ur "historic" lvl. Lets say a lvl105 reincarnate and go back to lvl101, then he will get 5*100 from leveling up + 62 stats because historically he was 105 for a total of 562 on the new 101 reincarnated char when he use to have 104*5=520 stats (true…
I was trying to understand the new reincarnation system with the help of my google chrome translate system: "Reincarnation players can wear consistent with the historical highest level of equipment, but if the property is equipped with a limit, you need to add the appropriate attributes reincarnation players can wear" So…
Do they have meridian system? Because that reincarnation system and how improve each class remind me that a lot. Anyway i think the discussion about this update should be taken to a different post considering that there is no new race or class include on that update, anything new is that new map and the Reincarnation…
Its on damage calculation:
Here u can see a vid of some russian guys doing the instance
I still want to know where to use them. I hear those are used on the new dungeon for making g15 into r8cast but couldnt find how to do it.
On pve considerably better, on pvp they just plain suck =)
I know i loose 5 attk lvl and 15 def lvl but i do get the 1200 HP (r8cast) + 409HP (G16 HA instead of G16 LA) so 1609HP add more survability than 15 def lvl on most situations, so basically Im mostly loosing just the 5 attk lvl in order to get the chance to be aps (trade 5attk lvl for -.1 int on completion and the chance…
I think most of people are missing an extremly important point, not everyone hve the money nor the time to farm for being rrr9. I have not a single doubt that if u are a rrr9 full josd +12 u arnt going to need an aps set and u are much better having a rrr9 set instead of mixing r8cast with g16 (do any one really mention…
Hey, i was planning on making a fist/bow build too but i choose a different set up for that. Basically im using the R8cast bonus set so i can use the +1200 and .1int bonus from it with both sets. With fist: With bow I use the HA G16 helm and robe because…
OMG SweetieBot CRASH TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end of the world is finally here
All the US West servers appear offline on my pc b:shocked
Its funny how people get so surprized when someone make a warsoul weapon but nobody get surprized if someoen spend much more money in fashion. This game has lot of things to spend money just trying to be unique, so why people still surprize when someone (who evidently has the money being full r9 3rd cast) get a weapon that…
this.... I have R8cast and now with G16 Helm and robe i get 1500HP from R8cast+900HP for G16+4%crit+15 attck lvl. Besides the R8cast has much higher def values than a G15 set and u can have many def lvl but if ur defence is low the def lvl are practically useless. Even with G15 helm+robe the R8cast option is better than…
That price if u buy the maths, but if u farm the tokens is totally farmable now days u can get the recast one for that price after a 2 months more or less of NW farming. Congrats on ur warsoul to post creator, Im on arch and im planing to make one too =)
I want my Astral Balad become dual chainsawb:cool
R8cast using helm+cloack nirvy G15 its better than a full set of nirvy G15 but worse than G16. In my case (seeker) I traded the 13 def lvl for 15 attk lvl, 4% crit, 1500HP and higher def values when is compared to g15. So basically if u dont have acces to frequent Full warsong squads to get all the badges and molds u are…
U can recast R8 and u get a better set than G15 nirvy but worse than G16, so it all depend. If u are planning to go full G16 u can skip totally rank gear, but in order to do that u will probably end having to do lot of full warsong to make the set and isnt easy doing full warsong if u dont have already a decent set. Rigth…
I guess they didnt want us to have a fun nw tonigth. Everyone who was in a instance its online, anyone who was in main map dced or cant login. GM wake up, u have to reset before NW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!