Flutterpie - Lothranis Arc User


  • idiots on this forum complain constantly about everything anyway. there is so much QQ and QQ about QQ that everyone is desensitized. no one cares if you QQ have fun QQing
  • you're wrong it would be easy to get at least a temporary fix the same day if they really wanted to do so. they did it with r8r sphere crash exploit and the duke rose exploit with emergenency maintenance. there was no emergency maint with the goons because they were benefiting from it. you shouldnt believe them when they…
  • it's a lie that PWE can't do quick fixes. they did an emergency maintenance to fix the r8r sphere crash exploit and an emergency update to remove the duke rose quest exploit. both were very simple changes. removing the goons would have been very simple too. disabling that boss would have been very easy. removing the goons…
  • if PWE wanted to stop goons they could have had an emergency patch the first week (like they had for r8r soulsphere exploit). if that was outside their ability they could have had GMs actively pop into instances and ban people in the act (would be pretty easy). instead they released Charm Sales followed by a Hyper Sale…
  • whats the difference between goons and heads? they are both examples of the same powerleveling that pwe loves. goons however takes actual skill where heads does not. heads is much worse for the game than goons ever was the only people who werent gooning when it was popular were either too lazy, undergeared, or had no…
  • nah the community supported goons when it came out and it was widely popular for over 4 months. the only people pro banning hundreds of players are the idiots on the forums but the forums are infested with trolls who don't even play the game so who cares what they have to say. most of them are trying to kill the game out…
  • i understand thinking that in the first week or so but it was up for 4 MONTHS. don't you think if they intended to punish people they would have removed it by then? anyone with brains could see that it was too popular for months to seriously punish everyone. im sure the higher ups in PWE made the decision early on that…
  • Lol you must also be mad at people who did cancel-cast glitch? How about all those who sold the MoGs from DQ points? Mad at those who glitched the talismans in Caster Nirv? Mad at those who use veno pet pull? Seriously you had 4 months to kill those mobs but you probably had either **** gear, no friends, or were too lazy…
  • nothing is legit when it comes to hyper XP. its all a BS way of leveling whether its buying heads or killing goons. the only legit people were the ones who were high level before this powerleveling ****. the instant they released hyper fcc xp became meaningless.
  • most of those posting still are either trolls (Tremble) or people who are jealous they weren't able to take more advantage of the goons during the 4 months it was up (probably because they had bad gear or were too lazy). they should just bring it back for a month or two and call it an event. it looks pretty fun and looks…
  • b:embarrass modifying your game client is a violation of the ToS and is bannable. if you get caught doing this don't get surprised if you get banned.
  • whats the "normal rate"? buying heads? are you honestly calling that normal? lol pathetic. normal xp gain hasnt been around since they added hyper stones.
  • if that's really true how were they able to release the r8r sphere crash exploit hotfix within a couple of days with an emergency maintenance? they also had an emergency maintenance to fix the duke rose exploit within a couple of hours. if this was an issue they genuinely cared about they would have fixed it the first…
  • Why bother responding to random cleric QQ or tell others how to play their class? You guys should learn to stay on topic...
  • uhh the last exploit was the r8r soulsphere crash exploit which let people who modified their game to crash other peoples clients. that was fixed by an emergency maint within only a few days of the exploit becoming rampant. i don't think they banned any of the people who were crashing others though... even though they…