I managed to get 2 codes....but I have 4 accounts.... On my main account, the code wasn't sent to my -current- email. Instead, it was sent to an OLDER email that used to be linked to that account....I had changed that email over a year ago, so why did it send it to my old one? (Three of my accounts are connected to Yahoo…
My email's been the same since I created this account and I still haven't gotten it. :( Just checked my emails for my other accounts. Out of 4 accounts (I created them all before PWI made that stupid rule about not allowed to have more than 2 accounts), I got a code for ONE account....I need the code for this account and…
Yes. Anyway, I put Windows 7 back on my computer, and now it's working perfectly. I've played the game for several hours since I re-installed my OS and I haven't had any problems out of it...I think it's just Windows XP itself that's the issue. :/
Verified it and did more Windows Updates, and it's still not working right...
Just copied it from my mom's laptop again, and I'm still having the same problem....anything else I can check...? EDIT: I'm verifying the game...maybe that'll help...but I don't think it will since I tried it a couple of days ago...
-sighs- I'm having this problem again today....yesterday, after I copied it from my mom's computer, it worked perfectly. Now today, it's doing the same thing as yesterday before I copied it from my mom's computer... And I just added them to my Firewall's list of didn't help...
Ok, I just copied PWI from my mom's laptop and put it onto this computer, and everything seems to be working right...
I re-installed PWI, and at first, it did ok, then the same thing as before started happening... Right now the ping is 235...
I haven't checked yet, and I won't be able to check until later tonight. I'm re-installing PWI, this time using the torrent download. Hopefully, that'll fix it...
This is SerenityMari. I tried verifying PWI, but that didn't work...I also tried PWI on my mom's laptop, and it worked perfectly (she has Windows 7 on her laptop). What can I do...?