Firfin - Sanctuary Arc User


  • 69€ in Germany. I get the same Game in Cannada for 37€ + 5€ shipping, so I order it there instead of going to the local Shop! Why? Well from the average income of about 30000€ about 30% to 45% go to the State and from the rest u have to make a living for one year! So even I can't spend 30$ for a dragon Mount just like…
  • ...argh the post got cut. Well. To make it short since I didn't save the writing, living in the EU is generally more expensive than people in the US might think. Short Example. A new PS3 Game costs about 69
  • Just noticed this thread an even though I didn't read all of it yet, I just want to give you an insight from the European point of view! Since the Median income seams to be the driving issue for this discussion let me tell you that the median income in the EU is not comparable to the individual countries! In some parts of…
  • @dystroyer Since the Payment System isn't part of the Client but directly through the web I doubt there is a way to get 250 Gold for 5$ b:question But I have a nother question. Today I noticed people messaging to change Coins for Gold. Offering exchange rates from 70k to 100k per 1 Gold. Is something like this even…