Maybe PW devs will one day add some more "option" for venos. For example lion form for girls to counter boys tiger form <i want to be lioness> b:victory. But like my pre posters says for all races except venos there is no gender lock.
I am <let say> born soloer but when some nice cleric decide to spare couple MPs to buff me or revive i will always thanks her/him whit full Thank You <i personally hate b:angry any thx or plox type shortcuts (habbit getting form other mmo) used by some players>. And level of heal?... is that really matter?, because in my…
I logged on to game about half hour ago when suddenly i got disconected and after relogging entire game just hang up, so i suppose something really bad must happend whit the server... Luckyli i was in neutral place so i have no worries about sudden death after another relogg in front of mob.