WHO THE HELL LET SLITNOT ON THE RANKINGS, HES THE BIGGEST NEWB BM I KNOW .............................. Inventor learned to play yet?
i havent tried FW yet just dowloading it but , cash shop all depends on the game, some games feture cash shop that dnt let u convert cash shop money into game money and or buy anything like armor etc, it can only sell refinement and fashion oh also cash shop is not the only reason i am quitin, but its related to it, i…
SIRURA! i havent ever met u ;X, but u can be my first buddy in RT ;O tell me ur IGN in RT >.> nao! muhahaha before i kidnap u -shh-
well more important reason for me to leave is the lvl, since all high lvls wth thier TT 99 and lunar wep are unbeatable so its no fun outside SZ, even though i have the best gear for my lvl wth +4 and above ref also i heard from a friend in RT he got his lunar wep for cheaper then i did, so i interpretated that it would be…
i guess that answers my question : so there are less high lvls but more expensive TT 90+ gear thnx, if i interpreted the answer wrong correct me plz ill see u guys in RT soon :D
server HeavensTear username FinalWord age 14 sex(if no one can tell by ur username male interests/ description none - i wouldnt be playing a mmo if i had any ;D looking for hot pixels i thought this was a mmo, never knew it was a dating cite...............oh well
wow nice, wat software u used to make the first one, or is it hand drawn, i tried scanning my art to comp, but the results of scanning arent so good, plz tell me how u color tht thing like tht *-* i vote for a art section ;D